Enemy Front Proper Crack Cocaine
Oliver North's own diaries, and internal memoranda written to him from his contra contact, reveal explicit reports of drugs trafficking. On April 1, 1985, Oliver North was informed by his liaison with the contras, Robert Owen, that two of the commanders chosen by the FDN to run the southern front in Costa Rica were probably,.
By late 1944, Nazi Germany was facing Allied armies to the west and six million Soviets to the east. Overhead, Allied planes were hitting Germany with near-constant city-leveling bombing raids.
But at grim military briefings, generals found German dictator Adolf Hitler upbeat, optimistic — euphoric even.
“I call it the Fuhrer-high; it makes you feel on top of the world even if the world is collapsing around you,” said German author Norman Ohler, speaking to the National Post by phone.
Ohler’s book, Blitzed, will be released in Canada on October 6. Published in the original German as The Total Rush, it tells the story of how Nazi Germany fought a surprising amount of the Second World War in a drug-fueled haze.
“It’s tough out here … today I’m writing you mainly to ask for some Pervitin,” wrote German soldier Heinrich Böll in
a 1939 letter home from occupied Poland. It was one of at least three letters that Böll, a future Nobel Prize-winning author, would write home requesting a top-up of his Pervitin stash.Pervitin, a popular over-the-counter drug in Nazi Germany, was a close cousin of modern-day crystal meth. Methamphetamines originated in Germany in the late 1800s, and Pervitin first hit the market as a “wakefulness pill.”
But the effect could be much the same as the modern street variety, particularly when soldiers popped as many as nine pills at a time.
In the First World War only 20 years prior, a familiar pattern had emerged with attacks from either side: The offensive would start strong and then — after a couple days — soldiers would get fatigued, the enemy would regroup and the battle would devolve into stalemate.
It’s why German generals mapping out the invasion of France decided to use Pervitin to keep their soldiers awake for the 72 hours needed to strike a mortal blow to French defenses.
“The experience of the Polish Campaign has shown that military success is influenced in certain situations quite decisively when the fatigue of a highly stressed force has been overcome,” reads an April 17, 1940 Wehrmacht order issued just before the invasion of France.
Three million German troops moved into France, Belgium and the Netherland in the spring of 1940. Along with them were 35 million tablets of Pervitin to be used in overcoming sleep.
The stunning fall of France in 1940 has long been attributed to German Blitzkrieg (lightning war) tactics: Sudden and overwhelming attacks by intense concentrations of tanks, artillery and aircraft. Key to keeping the Blitzkrieg going, however, was a soldier who did not tire.
“I have no idea how it would have worked without Pervitin,” said Ohler, who added that the sight of hyper, meth-addled invading troops even added to the mystique that the Germans had somehow created a kind of “super” soldier.
Drugs and war have been intertwined for centuries. Europeans had been sending mildly drunk troops into battle since the Middle Ages. And in the American Civil War, it’s quite possible that battles were decided by the fact that Northern troops had coffee, and Southerners didn’t.
But Nazi Germany — faced with the seemingly overwhelming odds of defeating a larger French and British force in 1940 — was the first to hang whole military strategies on the energizing powers of chemical drugs.
“In the proper dosage, one’s self confidence is significantly elevated, and one’s fear of undertaking even difficult work is lowered,” added the 1940 order. And indeed, throughout the war, stories emerged of fatigued units suddenly brought back to life by a few tablets of Pervitin.
But as can be seen in any modern meth addict, methamphetamine enacts a high price for its initial burst of confidence and euphoria.
Enemy Front Proper
“Whoever wants to combat fatigue with Pervitin can be sure that the collapse will come sooner or later,” Leonardo Conti, the Nazis’ top health official, said in 1940 as he led an unsuccessful campaign to restrict military use of the drug.
Commanders soon noticed that strung-out troops that took much longer to recuperate than their drug-free enemies. And as the war progressed, Pervitin-addicted soldiers experienced breakdowns and psychotic episodes.
And the tactical disadvantages of the drug became particularly evident when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Suddenly, the ability to forego sleep wasn’t tremendously useful as the Red Army simply kept retreating into its vast territory.
“You can’t take Russia with crystal meth,” said Ohler.
In the end, the prolonged battles of the Eastern Front proved more suited to an army fortifying itself with vodka than an army stuck in the up-and-down roller coaster of a Pervitin addiction.
Drugs, like sex, are a topic normally left out of history books.
Either historians are too prudish to delve into the subject, or the tenured history professor simply doesn’t have the background to appreciate the significance of an army of methheads charging into Europe.
Ohler is normally a novelist, with his credits including the 1995 crime novel Die Quotenmaschine, the first-ever German-language book published as a website.
Fittingly, he got the idea for Blitzed in a Berlin underground club. A DJ friend versed in both party drugs and German history urged him to take a closer look at the pharmacological underpinnings of the Second World War.
While the drug use of wartime Germany was certainly known, an intrigued Ohler sought to determine just how pervasive it was, and how much of the war could be explained by drug use. Baffling and reckless decisions could be the product of drug-induced illusions, while a populace blasted on Pervitin could be uniquely susceptible to the paranoia and glittering empty promises of fascism.
“Nazism was toxic, in the truest sense of the word. It has given the world a chemical legacy still with us today, a poison that won’t soon disappear,” he wrote in the book’s opening.
The result was a German bestseller praised by renowned historian Ian Kershaw as a “serious piece of scholarship.”
Among primary documents Ohler dug out of German and U.S. archives, what most surprised him was the dramatic extent to which Hitler used drugs.
“There’s not one sober day after the fall of 1941,” said Ohler.
The dictator was constantly accompanied by Dr. Theodor Morell, his own personal Doctor Feelgood. Morell kept Hitler topped up with regular injections of steroids and opioids, as well as a stream of untested new drugs that the doctor had cooked up specifically for the Fuhrer.
“Every animal that was slaughtered in the Ukraine, all the organs would go to Morell, he would send them to his factory … and concoct hormonal doping agents to introduce into the bloodstream of Hitler,” said Ohler.
As an experiment, Ohler had mused about getting a volunteer to spend a day taking Hitler’s daily drug dosage. He kiboshed the plan after surmising it would probably get them killed.
Historians have found innumerable explanations to describe Hitler’s increasingly erratic behavior in the closing months of the war: Stress, senility, the inevitable corruption of absolute power.
By Ohler’s account, by the end of the Second World War, Nazi Germany was at the beck and call of a junkie.
Hitler rejected all talk of retreat or surrender. He had undying faith in questionable secret weapons to win the war. He entertained himself with delusional plans for a victorious post-war Reich, such as legalizing polygamy to repopulate as quickly as possible.
The German leader was in a drug-induced sleep as troops hit the beaches on D-Day. Tank units which could be dispatched only on the direct orders of the Fuhrer were critically prevented from mounting an immediate counteroffensive. But even as the Allied invasion gained ground, a euphoric Hitler maintained for days that it was only a feint.
Mild doses of cocaine were a common remedy for the time, famously being one of the original ingredients in Coca-Cola. But Morell administered unusually potent cocaine-laced eyedrops to the Fuhrer starting in 1944. It was thus after several months of being altered by eye cocaine that Hitler decided to throw Germany’s dwindling forces at a Quixotic drive against U.S. forces in the Ardennes.
As Soviet troops constricted around Hitler’s Berlin headquarters in the closing days of the war, in true addict fashion the dictator allowed Morell to send out men on motorcycles to cruise the battered city and raid pharmacies in search of more drugs.
But in the end, it wasn’t enough. The Fuhrer-high wore off, and Hitler spent his last hours suffering through crippling, hand-shaking waves of withdrawal — His near-mystical optimism replaced by some of the first major realizations that his Reich, which he had intended to last for 1000 years, was over.
“He was going cold turkey as he lost World War II,” said Ohler. “He was basically a wreck.”
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