Guitar Headstock Design Software


Hi and thanks for checking out my instructable! This instructable is twofold. I’d like to explain a design process from a styling point of view of making something real using a computer aided process as well as the actual build process. I chose to design a guitar as it is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Keep in mind, the design process part of this instructable is relevant to anything that you might want to create.
Don’t care about the design phase and just want to make the guitar? Please skip the Design Process Phase 1-4 and go right to Make it Real! section. I have also created a time-lapse video that documents the project and the construction for a better visual on how I made the guitar.
For this instructable, I wanted to give you guys a choice of either making this by hand the old fashioned way if you don’t have access to CNC tools, or use my digital files and make them by milling them out using CNC machine. I chose to build this first one old school to prove out the process for the instructions. If you choose to build this and go the CNC route, you can skim ahead to Surfacing and Sanding of each step.
As for the guitar that I have designed, it has more modern, angular shapes and it also features removable “wings” in which you would be able to swap out with a different design or color to suit your mood. Feel free to use the wings I designed or design your own! I’ve provided some templates that you can use to sketch over to create your own custom look.
If anyone decides to make one of these guitars please post a link in the comments as I’d love to see what you guys come up with! Please don’t make this guitar with the intent to sell them or to use in a commercial setting without my permission.

Guitar Headstock Design Software

Best 3x3 Guitar Headstock Design

Oct 12, 2008. Now resize the template image so that it fits inside your page border (remember to hold Command while resizing to keep the image proportional). Now use the Pen tool (Shift F6) to trace around the outside of the major pieces of the guitar: body, neck, and headstock. I put each piece on a different layer. The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that usually has six strings. The sound is projected either acoustically, using a hollow wooden or plastic and wood box.

Free Design Software
