Driver Protocollo Lldp Microsoft Surface
Buongiorno, Rhino 4 sr9 patch download.
ho un pc Acer con processore Intel i5 e sistema operativo Windows 10 (1609).
Nov 07, 2017 I am using a Surface Pro2 and upgraded to Windows 10. Windows 10 limited or no internet connection. Ms_lldp Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver. Columbus ga hoggin garden surface samsung led tv series 45 audio output fashion stylist kit hp p2000 default login lunar new year 1979 wind flow direction in ahmedabad mens double tennis players roblox 2008 version download ati radeon hd 8750m drivers geometria no euclidiana de lobachevski oshene tab everlong. Oct 13, 2010 Configure the Network Map Enable or disable the LLTD Responder with Group. (RSPNDR) driver. To disable the responder.
Da tempo Windows mi chiede di fare l'aggiornamento a Creators Update (1703). Dopo aver scaricato l'update ed avviato il processo di installazione, il computer ad un certo punto non si riavvia, quindi devo forzarne l'arresto totale e riavviarlo manualmente. A quel punto prova tre volte a completare l'aggiornamento, quindi appare il messaggio che il sistema sta ripristinando il sistema operativo precedente.
Ho anche provato ad installare direttamente il Fall Creators Update (1709), ma si presenta il medesimo problema.
Ho fatto anche una reinstallazione totale del sistema operativo (Win 10 1609) ma poi il problema si ripresenta in modo uguale.
Driver Protocollo Lldp Microsoft Surface Pro 4
Allego qui sotto la configurazione del sistema (i dati sono stati scaricati a fine agosto quindi non appaiono tutti gli aggiornamenti più recenti).
Protocol Lldp
Avrei bisogno di capire se c'è qualche strada per riuscire ad aggiornare il sistema alla 1709, ovvero, in subordine, se esiste un modo per evitare che Windows proponga sempre l'aggiornamento del sistema, scaricando molti giga di pacchetto update, senza poi riuscire ad installarlo.
Grazie in anticipo a presto francesco
BaseBoard Manufacturer:'Acer'
BIOS Mode:'Legacy'
BIOS Version/Date:'Acer P01-B0 , 06/07/2012 12:00'
Embedded Controller Version:'255.255'
Platform Role:'Workstation'
Processor:'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz , GenuineIntel'
Secure Boot State:'Not Available'
SMBIOS Version:'2.7'
Sound Card:'Dispositivo High Definition Audio'
Sound Card:'Audio Intel(R) per schermi'
System Manufacturer:'Acer'
System Model:'Veriton L6610G'
System SKU:'To be filled by O.E.M.'
System Type:'x64-based PC'
- 'Display'
Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:''
- 'Intel(R) HD Graphics'
Adapter Compatibility:'Intel Corporation'
Adapter DAC Type:'Internal'
Adapter RAM:'2,03 GB'
Availability:'Running or Full Power'
Bits Per Pixel:'32'
- 'Caption':'Intel(R) HD Graphics'
CoInstallers:'igfxCoIn_v4459.dll, CoDeviceInstall'
Color Table Entries:'4294967296'
Dedicated Video Memory:'Not Available'
Driver Date:'05/19/2016 02:00'
Driver Path:'C:Windowssystem32DRIVERSigdkmd64.sys'
Driver Provider:'Intel Corporation'
Driver Version:''
INF Section:'iSNBD0'
Install Date:'Not Available'
Installed Drivers:'igdumd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igdumd32,igd10umd32,igd10umd32'
Last Error Code:'Not Available'
Last Error Code Description:'Not Available'
Last Reset:'Not Available'
Location:'PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0'
Manufacturer:'Intel Corporation'
Microsoft DirectX* Version:'DirectX 12'
Number of Colors:'4294967296'
Number of Video Pages:'Not Available'
PNP Device ID:'PCIVEN_8086&DEV_0102&SUBSYS_04941025&REV_093&11583659&0&10'
Power Management Capabilities:'Not Available'
Power Management Supported:'Not Available'
Refresh Rate - Current:'60 Hz'
Refresh Rate - Maximum:'75 Hz'
Refresh Rate - Minimum:'59 Hz'
Resolution:'1920 X 1080'
Scan Mode:'Noninterlaced'
Service Name:'igfx'
Video Architecture:'VGA'
Video Memory:'Unknown'
Video Processor:'Intel(R) HD Graphics Family'
- 'Memory'
Physical Memory (Available):'4,48 GB'
Physical Memory (Installed):'8 GB'
Physical Memory (Total):'7,92 GB'
- 'BANK1'
Capacity:'4 GB'
Configured Clock Speed:'0 MHz'
Configured Voltage:'Not Available'
Data Width:'64 bits'
Form Factor:'SODIMM'
Interleave Position:'Noninterleaved'
Maximum Voltage:'Not Available'
Memory Type:'DDR3'
Minimum Voltage:'Not Available'
Part Number:'9905469-106.A00LF'
Serial Number:'2B22CA79'
Status:'Not Available'
- 'BANK2'
Capacity:'4 GB'
Configured Clock Speed:'0 MHz'
Configured Voltage:'Not Available'
Data Width:'64 bits'
Form Factor:'SODIMM'
Interleave Position:'Noninterleaved'
Maximum Voltage:'Not Available'
Memory Type:'DDR3'
Minimum Voltage:'Not Available'
Part Number:'9905469-106.A00LF'
Serial Number:'2922C279'
Status:'Not Available'
- 'Motherboard'
Availability:'Running or Full Power'
BIOS:'BIOS Date: 07/06/12 14:24:22 Ver: 04.06.04, ACRSYS - 1072009'
Caption:'Scheda madre'
- 'Chipset':'Intel(R) Q67 Express'
Date:'07/06/2012 02:00'
Install Date:'Not Available'
Last Error Code:'Not Available'
Last Error Code Description:'Not Available'
Model:'Not Available'
Part Number:'Not Available'
PNP Device ID:'Not Available'
Power Management Capabilities:'Not Available'
Power Management Supported:'Not Available'
Product:'Veriton L6610G'
Serial Number:'Not Available'
Version:'Not Available'
- 'Networking'
Intel ® Network Connections Install Options:'ANS,DMIX'
Intel ® Network Connections Version:''
Intel ® PROSet/Wireless Software Version:'Not Available'
- 'Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection'
Availability:'Running or Full Power'
- 'Caption':'Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection'
Default IP Gateway:'Not Available'
DHCP Enabled:'Yes'
DHCP Lease Expires:'Not Available'
DHCP Lease Obtained:'Not Available'
DHCP Server:'Not Available'
Driver Date:'07/25/2016 12:00'
Driver Path:'C:Windowssystem32DRIVERSe1c65x64.sys'
Driver Provider:'Intel'
Driver Version:''
ETrackID:'Non supportato'
INF Section:'E1502.10.0.1'
Install Date:'Not Available'
IP Address:'Not Available'
IP Subnet:'Not Available'
Last Error Code:'Not Available'
Last Error Code Description:'Not Available'
Last Reset:'09/06/2017 09:47'
Location:'PCI bus 0, device 25, function 0'
MAC Address:'C8:9C:DC:D0:BD:BB'
Media Type:'In rame'
Net Connection ID:'Ethernet'
Number of VLANs:'0'
NVM Version:'Non supportato'
Part Number:'FFFFFF-0FF'
PNP Device ID:'PCIVEN_8086&DEV_1502&SUBSYS_80001025&REV_053&11583659&0&C8'
Port:'Not Available'
Power Management (Low Power):'Active: Yes, Enable: Yes'
Power Management (Wake On LAN):'Active: Yes, Enable: Yes'
Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):'Active: Yes, EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly: No'
Power Management Capabilities:'Not Available'
Power Management Supported:'No'
Product Type:'Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection'
Service Name:'e1cexpress'
Status:'Collegamento disattivo'
Team Name:'Not in a team'
Temperature:'Non supportato'
Type:'Ethernet 802.3'
- 'Service Bindings'
Client per reti Microsoft:
Condivisione file e stampanti per reti Microsoft:
Driver di I/O del mapping di individuazione topologia livelli di collegamento:
Driver protocollo LLDP Microsoft:
Protocollo Internet versione 4 (TCP/IPv4):
Protocollo Internet versione 6 (TCP/IPv6):
Risponditore individuazione topologia livelli di collegamento:
Utilità di pianificazione pacchetti QoS:
- 'Settings'
*FlowControl:Controllo del flusso:'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*InterruptModeration:Interrompi moderazione:'Attivato (1)'
*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:Offload di checksum IPv4:'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*JumboPacket:Pacchetto Jumbo:'Disattivato (1514)'
*LsoV2IPv4:Large Send Offload V2 (IPv4):'Attivato (1)'
*LsoV2IPv6:Large Send Offload V2 (IPv6):'Attivato (1)'
*NumRssQueues:Numero massimo di code RSS:'2 code (2)'
*PMARPOffload:Offload del protocollo ARP:'Attivato (1)'
*PMNSOffload:Offload del protocollo NS:'Attivato (1)'
*PriorityVLANTag:Priorità pacchetti e VLAN:'Priorità pacchetti e VLAN attivate (3)'
*ReceiveBuffers:Ricevi buffer:'256 (256)'
*RSS:Receive Side Scaling:'Attivato (1)'
*SpeedDuplex:Velocità e duplex:'Negoziazione automatica (0)'
*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:Offload di checksum TCP (IPv4):'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:Offload di checksum TCP (IPv6):'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*TransmitBuffers:Trasmetti buffer:'512 (512)'
*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:Offload di checksum UDP (IPv4):'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:Offload di checksum UDP (IPv6):'Rx e Tx abilitate (3)'
*WakeOnMagicPacket:Attiva su pacchetto Magic:'Attivato (1)'
*WakeOnPattern:Attiva su Pattern Match:'Attivato (1)'
AdaptiveIFS:Spaziatura adattiva tra frame:'Disattivato (0)'
ConnectionName:ConnectionName:'Ethernet (Ethernet)'
EEELinkAdvertisement:Ethernet a basso consumo energetico:'On if system is awake (1)'
EnablePME:Abilita PME:'Attivato (1)'
ITR:Velocità di rallentamento dell'interrupt:'Adattivo (65535)'
LinkNegotiationProcess:Modalità compatibilità switch legacy:'Disattivato (1)'
LogLinkStateEvent:Registra evento stato del collegamento:'Attivato (51)'
MasterSlave:Modo Master Slave Gigabit:'Rilevamento automatico (0)'
NetworkAddress:Indirizzo amministrato localmente:
ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown:Riduci velocità allo spegnimento:'Attivato (1)'
SipsEnabled:Risparmio energia a sistema inattivo:'Disattivato (0)'
WaitAutoNegComplete:Attesa per il collegamento:'Rilevamento automatico (2)'
WakeOnLink:Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento:'Disattivato (0)'
- 'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
Access Point:'84:a1:d1:34:62:04'
Availability:'Running or Full Power'
Caption:'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
Connection Mode:
Default IP Gateway:''
DHCP Enabled:'Yes'
DHCP Lease Expires:'09/09/2017 09:47'
DHCP Lease Obtained:'09/06/2017 09:47'
DHCP Server:''
Driver Date:'05/18/2015 12:00'
Driver Path:'C:Windowssystem32driversnetr28x.sys'
Driver Provider:'MediaTek, Inc.'
Driver Version:''
INF Section:'NDIS61_RT3900E_C8.ndi'
Install Date:'Not Available'
IP Address:';fe80::bcda:5a42:fad3:5ca3'
IP Subnet:';64'
Last Error Code:'Not Available'
Last Error Code Description:'Not Available'
Last Reset:'09/06/2017 09:47'
Location:'PCI bus 2, device 0, function 0'
MAC Address:'9C:B7:0D:2E:BA:5C'
Media Type:
Net Connection ID:'Wi-Fi'
Network Name:'infected wifi - 46'
Network Type:
Number of VLANs:'0'
PNP Device ID:'PCIVEN_1814&DEV_3090&SUBSYS_662211AD&REV_0000005CBA2E0DB79C00'
Port:'Not Available'
Power Management (Low Power):'Active: Yes, Enable: Yes'
Power Management (Wake On LAN):'Not Available'
Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):'Not Available'
Power Management Capabilities:'Not Available'
Power Management Supported:'No'
Product Type:'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
Radio Type:
Receive Rate:
Service Name:'netr28x'
Signal Strength:
Team Name:'Not in a team'
Transmit Rate:
Type:'Ethernet 802.3'
- 'Service Bindings'
Client per reti Microsoft:
Condivisione file e stampanti per reti Microsoft:
Driver di I/O del mapping di individuazione topologia livelli di collegamento:
Driver protocollo LLDP Microsoft:
Protocollo Internet versione 4 (TCP/IPv4):
Protocollo Internet versione 6 (TCP/IPv6):
Risponditore individuazione topologia livelli di collegamento:
Utilità di pianificazione pacchetti QoS:
- 'Settings'
AdhocNMode:Modalità supporto 802.11n:'Disattiva (0)'
CountryRegion:Paese (2.4GHz):'#1 (1 - 13) (1)'
Radio:Radio Acceso/Spento:'Attiva (0)'
SmartScan:Ambiente multimediale/giochi:'Disattiva (0)'
- 'Operating System'
.Net Framework Version:'2.0,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.7'
Boot Device:'DeviceHarddiskVolume1'
Internet Browser:'Google Chrome,60.0, Internet Explorer,11.1593'
OS Manufacturer:'Microsoft Corporation'
OS Name:'Microsoft Windows 10 Pro'
Other OS Description:'Not Available'
Page File:'C:pagefile.sys'
Page File Space:'1,25 GB'
Physical Memory (Available):'4,51 GB'
Physical Memory (Installed):'8 GB'
Physical Memory (Total):'7,92 GB'
System Directory:'C:Windowssystem32'
Version:'10.0.14393 Build 14393'
Virtual Memory (Available):'5,30 GB'
Virtual Memory (Total):'9,17 GB'
Windows Directory:'C:Windows'
- 'Installed Updates'
KB2151757:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
KB2151757:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
KB2467173:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
KB2467173:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
KB2468871:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2468871:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2468871v2:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2468871v2:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2478063:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2478063:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2533523:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2533523:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2544514:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2544514:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2600211:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2600211:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB2600217:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]'
KB2600217:'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]'
KB3186568:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB3194623:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB3199986:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB3211320:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB4013418:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB4023834:'Update [7/26/2017]'
KB4033637:'Security Update [8/30/2017]'
KB4034658:'Security Update [8/25/2017]'
KB4034662:'Security Update [8/23/2017]'
KB4035631:'Update [8/23/2017]'
KB982573:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
KB982573:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [30/08/2017]'
SP1:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [Not Available]'
SP1:'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [Not Available]'
- 'Processor'
- 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz'
ATPO:'Not Available'
Availability:'Running or Full Power'
Caption:'Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7'
- 'Chipset Name':'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz'
CPU Speed:'2,501 GHz'
Current Voltage:'1.8 volts'
Driver:'Not Available'
Driver Date:'04/21/2009 12:00'
Driver Path:'C:Windowssystem32driversintelppm.sys'
Driver Provider:'Microsoft'
Driver Version:'10.0.14393.0'
Ext. Family:'Not Available'
Family:'Not Available'
FPO:'Not Available'
INF Section:'IntelPPM_Inst.NT'
Install Date:'Not Available'
Last Error Code:'Not Available'
Level 1 Cache:'4 x 256 KB'
Level 2 Cache:'4 x 1024 KB'
Level 3 Cache:'6 MB'
Name:'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz'
Number of Cores:'4'
Number of Cores Enabled:'4'
Number of Logical Processors:'4'
Part Number:'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'
Power Management Capabilities:'Not Available'
Power Management Supported:'No'
Processor ID:'BFEBFBFF000206A7'
Serial Number:'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'
Service Name:'intelppm'
Version:'Not Available'
- 'Storage'
- 'Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB'
Capablities:'Random Access, Supports Writing, SMART Notification'
Caption:'Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB'
Cylinder - Total:'60801'
Description:'Unità disco'
Driver:'Not Available'
Driver Date:'06/21/2006 12:00'
Driver Version:'10.0.14393.0'
Error Code:'Device is working properly'
Firmware Revision:'EMT02B6Q'
Heads - Total:'255'
Install Date:'Not Available'
Interface Type:'IDE'
Manufacturer:'(unità disco standard)'
Model:'Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB'
Physical Sector Size:'512'
PNP Device ID:'SCSIDISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_SSD_850_EVO_500G4&1A54D954&0&000000'
Policies:'Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available'
Sectors - Per Track:'63'
Sectors - Total:'976768065'
Serial Number:'S2RBNX0HA55089H'
Size:'465,76 GB'
Size – Available:'371,65 GB'
SMART Attributes:'Self-Test: 255 minutes, OK, Short Self-Test: 2 minutes, OK'
Tracks - Per Cylinder:'255'
Tracks - Total:'15504255'
- 'C:'
Availability:'Not Available'
Compression Method:'Not Compressed'
Description:'Disco rigido locale'
File System:'NTFS'
Serial Number:'2268DF05'
Size:'464,428771972656 GB'
Size – Available:'371,650405883789 GB'
Status:'Not Available'
Volume Dirty:'No'
0x05 Reallocated Sector Count:0:'10'
0x09 Power-On Hours:289:'0'
0x0C Power Cycle Count:16:'0'
0xB1 Wear Range Delta:0:'0'
0xB3 Used Reserved Block Count Total:0:'10'
0xB5 Program Fail Count Total:0:'10'
0xB6 Erase Fail Count:0:'10'
0xB7 SATA Downshift Count:0:'10'
0xBB Uncorrectable Error Count:0:'0'
0xBE Temperature - Current:36° C:'0'
0xBE Temperature - Highest:Not Available:'0'
0xBE Temperature - Lowest:Not Available:'0'
0xC3 Hardware ECC Recovered:0:'0'
0xC7 CRC Error Count:0:'0'
0xEB Good Block Count:11:'0'
0xF1 Total LBAs Written:791682157:'0'