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1 ACIPSS-newsletter - collecting intelligence news of today that will become intelligence history of tomorrow - nr: 25/2011 date: June from: contact: is for transmitting purposes only!) ISSN: Disclaimer: Please see at the end of this newsletter! Contributors: Oliver PLAUDER Table of contents: TOP HEADLINES 2114/11 Ägypter erhielt wegen Spionage für Israel lebenslang 2115/11 BKA unterstützt FBI + ukrainischen Geheimdienst - Conficker aktuell HOT SPOTS / WARS 2116/11 U.S. and Pakistan: Afghan Strategies 2117/11 Benghazi: City lost to Gaddafi forces but was retaken by rebels 2118/11 Obama's Afghanistan Plan and the Realities of Withdrawal US 2119/11 Alleged Boston crime boss James 'Whitey' Bulger held 2120/11 Facebook-Daten werden künftig 7 Jahre gespeichert 2121/11 Israel asks U.S. to let Pollard out of jail for his father's funeral 2122/11 Senate Confirms Panetta as U.S. Defense Secretary 2123/11 Gates: U.S. Committed to Robust Presence in East Asia 2124/11 Reporter Risen Moves to Quash Subpoena in Leak Case 2125/11 Bill Would Keep Intelligence Spending in Defense Budget 2126/11 Senate Resolution Authorizing US Libya Mission Introduced 2127/11 US: Action, Not Words Needed from Syria s Assad 2128/11 US-Veteranen trafen sich in Las Vegas: Ein Prosit auf Würzburg 2129/11 Many US Officials Concerned About Growing War Costs FORMER SOVIET UNION 2130/11 Jewgenij Kasperski: 'Das Netz wird Kriegsschauplatz' 2131/11 Ukraine: 16 cyber hackers detained NEAR / MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA 2132/11 Profile of Dr. Ayman al-zawahiri 2133/11 Pakistani officer arrested over links with banned group 2134/11 Obama to Announce Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan 2135/11 Pressure Mounts on NATO as Drone Helicopter Goes Missing in Libya 2136/11 Assad orders new amnesty amid huge pro-government rallies in Syria 2137/11 Debate Continues Over Proper Conditions for US Drawdown 2138/11 Kabul executes two militants 2139/11 IAEA Chief Welcomed to Tour Iranian Nuclear Sites 2140/11 NATO Confirms Libyan Claim of New Airstrike 2141/11 Syrian President Puts Himself At Center Of Road Map For Reforms 2142/11 In Yemen, Thousands Demand Saleh's Family Vacate Key Posts 2143/11 Ex-PKK-Kämpfer im Exil: Zwischenstation Irak 2144/11 Israelischer Spion in Ägypten gefasst 2145/11 U.S. drone missile attacks in N.W. Pakistan kill /11 Al-Jazeera - Marionette des Mossad 2147/11 Remarks by the President on the Way Forward in Afghanistan 2148/11 Syrian FM Says No Iranian Intervention, Blasts Europe FAR EAST & ASIA 2149/11 Hacked Sega finds unlikely friend in Sony hacker LulzSec ACIPSS-Newsletter /

2 2150/11 Inquiry launched into India's 'chewing gum' spy claim 2151/11 Singapore Urges Beijing to Spell Out China Sea Claims 2152/11 Irgendwas war noch ach ja, Fukushima! EUROPE (GEOGRAPH.) 2153/11 Walk the Talk: The EU Needs an Effective Early Warning System 2154/11 Italy: The P4 and its Mysterious Go-between 2155/11 Islamische Terrorzelle auf Teneriffa unter Beobachtung 2156/11 Italy's Foreign Minister Calls for End to Hostilities in Libya UK 2157/11 Accused Sony Hacker Arrested in England 2158/11 Police database will share data on 15 million people 2159/11 Royal Navy investigating death of female officer on ship 2160/11 NI ministers at London British-Irish meeting NORTHERN IRELAND 2161/11 Queen and Obama visits 'well worth' 20m cost 2162/11 Shot spy: I will find gunman myself 2163/11 Source of garda collusion claims has died 2164/11 Kingsmills: Six named in HET report 2165/11 Tandragee killer mounts new legal bid 2166/11 Marchers and police clash at Tour of North parade in Belfast 2167/11 Bid to halt Massereene murders case fails 2168/11 Strand Road police station bombs - men face Derry court 2169/11 Strabane death threat dad defies gunmen 2170/11 Murdered man s son now under threat 2171/11 Gerry Adams sanctioned IRA s Jean McConville murder 2172/11 Fears over loyalist ceasefire 2173/11 Cop in the dock after being accused of hacking 2174/11 Dissident republican terror group shot photographer Carson 2175/11 Peaceful night after riot violence 2176/11 Belfast flashpoint quiet after day of talks 2177/11 East Belfast residents caught in the crossfire of riots 2178/11 Who are the UVF? 2179/11 Smithwick tribunal garda collusion - 'monstrous lie' GERMANY 2180/11 Die Netzspione sind immer unter uns 2181/11 Der Fall Stolpe ist noch nicht abgeschlossen 2182/11 Deutsche Behörden verprellen russische Kriegsveteranen 2183/11 Code-Name 'Uranus' 2184/11 CIA führte einstigen BKA-Chef Dickopf als Mitarbeiter 2185/11 Uwe Barschels Wiederkehr 2186/11 BKA-Ermittler kämpfen gegen Online-Verbrecher 2187/11 'Gespräche mit der Stasi waren eine Gratwanderung' SWITZERLAND 2188/11 «Oskar Freysinger ist ein Held» 2189/11 Ex-Spione klagen 20-Minuten-Journalist an: Verhandlung abgebrochen AUSTRIA 2190/11 Terrorismus: Mehr Geld und Befugnisse gegen radikale Minderheiten AMERICA (CONTINENTAL) 2191/11 Latin America, Development and Organized Crime/Ninna Nyberg Sørensen 2192/11 STRATFOR Source Doubts Los Zetas Chief's Death in Mexico 2193/11 Mexico: Confusing Reports of a Battle in Matamoros AFRICA (SUB-SAHARA) 2194/11 Somalia: US pilot jailed for 15 years over pirate ransoms 2195/11 Sudan: UN welcomes deal on temporary arrangements for disputed Abyei THE CYBER BATTLEFIELD / CIVIL RIGHTS 2196/11 Les marchés noirs de la cybercriminalité 2197/11 Report from Pew Internet: Social Networking Sites and Our Lives 2198/11 IAD's Latest Security Guide Helps Customers Protect Home Networks 2199/11 Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments 2200/11 Bonn: Neues 'Cyber-Abwehrzentrum' 2201/11 DoD Creates Lab Network for WMD Response SPYCRAFT 2202/11 Spion-Kugelschreiber-HD-8GB (1280x960) INTEL HISTORY ACIPSS-Newsletter /

3 2203/11 Der Beginn eines Vernichtungskriegs 2204/11 Die unerzählten Geschichten 2205/11 Hitler wurde von Stalin und im Westen unterschätzt HOT DOCS ONLINE 2206/11 Stormy Weather, and More from CRS 2207/11 Govt Opposes Attorneys Free Use of WikiLeaks Documents LITERATURE 2208/11 Richard Wagner: Belüge mich 2209/11 Interview with Reza Kahlili - A Time To Betray 2210/11 Tiger Trap: America s Secret Spy War with China CONFERENCES / LECTURES 2211/11 The Spies Among Us: The Secret World of Espionage Illegals 2212/11 Inside 911 Konferenz zum 10. Jahrestag 2213/11 Baltic Military History Workshop October /11 Call for Papers: World War Two in the Baltic Region 2215/11 Etats généraux de l Intelligence économique à l Ecole Militaire MEDIA ALERTS 2216/11 Anton Corbijn to direct le Carre thriller 2217/11 Play By Day: Staffel 5 der Serie Burn Notice startet bei USA 2218/11 Media alerts TOP HEADLINES 2114/ Ägypter erhielt wegen Spionage für Israel lebenslang (Standard) Ein ägyptischer Geschäftsmann ist vom Obersten Staatssicherheitsgericht in Kairo wegen Spionage für Israel zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt worden. Der 38-Jährige habe mit seinen Aktivitäten für den israelischen Auslandsgeheimdienst 'dem Wohl des Landes geschadet', befanden die Richter am Donnerstag. Das Urteil ist rechtskräftig, eine Berufung ist nicht möglich. Außerdem verurteilte das Gericht die zwei israelischen Führungsagenten des Ägypters in Abwesenheit zu lebenslanger Haft / BKA unterstützt FBI + ukrainischen Geheimdienst - Conficker aktuell (pcgames) LulzSec, Web Ninjas, Anonymous - die zahlreichen Meldungen über Hackergruppen lassen einen manchmal vergessen, dass Cyber-Kriminalität nicht erst seit dem Sony-Hack existiert. Fast schon in Vergessenheit geraten ist dabei der Conficker-Wurm, der 2009 für etliche Schlagzeilen sorgte. Jetzt ist der Polizei ein Schlag gegen die Verbreiter von derartiger Schadsoftware gelungen. Dem BKA ist ein Schlag gegen die Verbreiter von Schadsoftware gelungen. Der Conficker-Wurm verbreitet sich häufig als Sicherheitssoftware getarnt. Gegen die Cyber-Kriminalität und Schadsoftware wie dem Conficker-Wurm ist den Behörden in den letzten Tagen laut einem Internet-Bericht ein ACIPSS-Newsletter /

4 erheblicher Schlag gelungen. Beamte des Bundeskriminalamts haben nach FBI- Hinweisen mehrere Gebäude in Deutschland durchsucht. Dabei sind Festplatten und andere Beweismittel beschlagnahmt worden. Das FBI ermittelt derzeit laut einem gegen die erwerbsmäßige Verbreitung von Schadsoftware. Auch in der Ukraine wurde offenbar eine international operierende Bande mit Unterstützung deutscher Behörden hochgenommen. In diesem Zusammenhang fiel auch der Name des fast schon in Vergessenheit geratenen Wurms Conficker. unterstuetzt-das-fbi-und-ukrainischen-geheimdienst-conficker-noch-aktuell / HOT SPOTS / WARS 2116/ U.S. and Pakistan: Afghan Strategies (STRATFOR) U.S. President Barack Obama will give a speech on Afghanistan on June 22. Whatever he says, it is becoming apparent that the United States is exploring ways to accelerate the drawdown of its forces in the country. It is also clear that U.S. relations with Pakistan are deteriorating to a point where cooperation whatever level there was is breaking down. These are two intimately related issues. Any withdrawal from Afghanistan, particularly an accelerated one, will leave a power vacuum in Afghanistan that the Kabul government will not be able to fill. Afghanistan is Pakistan s back door, and its evolution is a matter of fundamental interest to Pakistan. A U.S. withdrawal means an Afghanistan intertwined with and influenced by Pakistan. Therefore, the current dynamic with Pakistan challenges any withdrawal plan. ent=girtitle&elq=0d45b38a5abe429f9337f35b2f9aa / Benghazi: City lost to Gaddafi forces but was retaken by rebels (dailymail) The battle for Benghazi had begun with noisy brutality at first light yesterday. All of Gaddafi s vicious threats were coming true for the city s brave residents who rose up against him a month ago, desperate for independence. He sent a tank unit rolling right into town from his strongholds in West, past Garyounis University and down an underpass lined with residential apartment blocks. Indiscriminate tank fire woke the city with a sickening jolt at 5.30am yesterday. Brazenly breaking his own promise of a ceasefire, Gaddafi had also positioned multiple rocket launchers along the southern approach to Benghazi. The softer thud-thud was like his victory drumroll. (a) Gaddafis-forces-retaken-rebels.html ACIPSS-Newsletter /

5 (b) Vermeintliche Saboteure festgenommen: he-saboteure-festgenommen / Obama's Afghanistan Plan and the Realities of Withdrawal (Stratfor) U.S. President Barack Obama announced June 22 that the long process of drawing down forces in Afghanistan would begin on schedule in July. Though the initial phase of the drawdown appears limited, minimizing the tactical and operational impact on the ground in the immediate future, the United States and its allies are now beginning the inevitable process of removing their forces from Afghanistan. This will entail the risk of greater Taliban battlefield successes. ent=readmore&elq=62d1baef27a94750aa fe080 UNITED STATES 2119/ Alleged Boston crime boss James 'Whitey' Bulger held (BBC) Alleged Boston gang leader James 'Whitey' Bulger has been arrested near Los Angeles following 16 years on the run, FBI officials say. The 81-year-old was detained with his long-time girlfriend Catherine Greig, 60. Both are due to appear in court later on Thursday. Bulger was on the FBI's 'Ten Most Wanted' list, and is accused of involvement in 19 murders. Bulger was the inspiration for the Martin Scorsese film 'The Departed'. He was played by Jack Nicholson in a movie that won four Oscars in Bulger is accused of running the Winter Hill gang in the 1970s and 1980s. The couple's arrest in Santa Monica, California, came days after the FBI began airing 30-second public service announcements, focusing on Ms Greig. They specifically targeted programmes watched by women of Ms Greig's age, and urged them to keep an eye out for her. Announcing the arrests, Richard Deslauriers of the FBI said the couple were detained 'without incident'. ACIPSS-newsletter-commentary: Walhalla Affair Boston crime boss James 'Whitey ' Bulger organised parts of a massive weapons haul, which was sent from New York to the Irish coast in September Automatic Weapons, rifles and C4 plastic explosives were brought on board of the Walhalla and shipped to Ireland. As Irish-american and republican smugglers tried to transfer the freight on to the Marita Ann near the Irish coast at Fenit, the Irish coastguard intercepted the procedure. All ACIPSS-Newsletter /

6 crewmen and the whole cargo was seized on 28 September On 30 November 1984 Steve Flemmi and James Bulger killed the Irish-american criminal John McIntyre who helped to put together the haulage. McIntyre was recruited as an informer by the FBI at some stage of the illegal operation. What McIntyre did not know was, that Bulger co-operated with the well placed FBI investigator John J. Connolly. Bulger was tipped of by Connolly many times. With FBI help Bulger was able to get rid off many rivals and lots of informers who ended up with bullets in their heads. Incidently the scheme of John J. Connolly leaked to the public after several members of Bulgers crime gang incriminated the FBI man. The search for truth in the John McIntyre murder case also showed Connollys deep involvement with Bulger, who went on the run in January John J.Connolly who had retired from his job honourably in 1990, was indicted in 2005 on murder and conspiracy charges. The FBI man was senteced to 40 years in prison on 15 January It is still not yet clear of how the relationship between Connolly, Bulger and Flemmi worked in detail. The arrest of James 'Whitey' Bulger should shed some light on the details of the Walhalla gun running affair and the murder of John McIntyre. Martin Scorseses movie 'Departed' actually depicts the relationship between the crime boss and the FBI handler. OP 2120/ Facebook-Daten werden künftig 7 Jahre gespeichert (dnews) Die Suff-Fotos von der Party letztes Wochenende auf Facebook hochzuladen, war wahrscheinlich doch keine allzu gute Idee, wird sich jetzt wohl so mancher denken. Denn sie könnten einen für die nächsten sieben Jahre verfolgen. Wie Forbes berichtet, darf die US-Federal Trade Commission (dt. etwa Bundeshandelskommission) alle öffentlich geposteten Beiträge auf Facebook, Twitter, Flickr etc. bis zu sieben Jahren speichern, bevor sie gelöscht werden müssen. Außerdem hat sie einem Start-Up Unternehmen, genannt Social Intelligence Corporation, das Recht eingeräumt, Job-Bewerber anhand dieser Datenbank auf ihren Hintergrund zu überprüfen. Das heißt, dass andere Firmen Social Intelligence Cooperation damit beauftragen können, alle sozialen Netzwerke zu durchforsten und (belastende) Informationen über Bewerber zusammenzustellen / Israel asks U.S. to let Pollard out of jail for his father's funeral (dailymail) Israel's Prime Minister has urged President Obama to let spy Jonathan Pollard leave prison so he can attend his father's funeral. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

7 Israelis have rallied together to call for the former U.S. Navy intelligence analyst convicted of spying for Israel to see his father one last time and have begun a protest, waving signs begging Obama to not be 'cruel'. The request comes after the White House rejected the country's appeals to let the spy, who copied and gave to his Israeli handlers enough classified documents to fill a walk-in closet, visit his father before he died on Saturday. (a) (b) Pollard bleibt bei Beerdigung des Vaters in Haft: / Senate Confirms Panetta as U.S. Defense Secretary (english.chosun) The U.S. Senate has confirmed Leon Panetta as defense secretary by a unanimous vote of 100 to nothing. The current director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Panetta will shift to the Pentagon, replacing outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Panetta's already-impressive resume is about to get longer. The onetime congressman, White House chief of staff, and current CIA director will oversee the military as the United States winds down two wars and engages in a limited mission over Libya / Gates: U.S. Committed to Robust Presence in East Asia (DOD) The United States remains committed to maintaining a robust forward presence in the East Asian region, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto and Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa here for the first U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee Meeting held since The meetings, informally known as the 2+2 ministerial, underscore the strength of the U.S.-Japan security alliance and its role as the cornerstone of stability in the region. Discussions during this year s meeting focused on the most critical challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region, Gates said. Those include the denuclearization of North Korea, supporting continued progress in Afghanistan, and maritime security, he said. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

8 2124/ Reporter Risen Moves to Quash Subpoena in Leak Case (FAS) Attorneys for New York Times reporter James Risen yesterday asked a court to quash a subpoena requiring him to testify in the case of former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling, who is accused of leaking classified information to Mr. Risen. Because the information sought by the Government is protected by the reporter s privilege under the First Amendment and federal common law, and the subpoena is part of an effort to harass and retaliate against Mr. Risen for writing things that were critical of the government, Mr. Risen respectfully requests that the Court grant Mr. Risen s motion to quash the grand jury subpoena and/or for a protective order, attorney Peter K. Stackhouse wrote. (a) (b) USA v. Jeffrey Alexander Sterling: Selected Case Files: (c) NOTICE OF MOTION OF JAMES RISEN TO QUASH SUBPOENA AND/OR FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER: motion115.pdf 2125/ Bill Would Keep Intelligence Spending in Defense Budget (FAS) An intelligence reform proposal to establish a stand-alone budget appropriation for intelligence spending would be blocked if a provision in the House version of the Fiscal Year 2012 defense appropriations bill is enacted into law. Instead, intelligence spending would remain concealed in the defense budget. None of the funds appropriated in this or any other Act may be used to plan, prepare for, or otherwise take any action to undertake or implement the separation of the National Intelligence Program budget from the Department of Defense budget, the House Appropriations Committee said in section 8118 of the pending 2012 defense bill (H.R. 2219). If adopted in the final version of the bill, this measure would scuttle the possibility of a separate budget appropriation for intelligence a reform that was specifically advocated by the 9/11 Commission and embraced by the current Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper. (a) (b) H.R. 2219: / Senate Resolution Authorizing US Libya Mission Introduced (VOA) A resolution authorizing limited U.S. military engagement in Libya has been introduced in the Senate. The Obama administration says no such authorization is needed, but that it would welcome the statement of bipartisan support for the mission. If adopted, the resolution authorizes limited use of U.S. forces in Libya for one year. It specifies the U.S. military will play a supporting role ACIPSS-Newsletter /

9 in the NATO-led campaign, and that no American ground troops will be deployed in Libya. The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry of Massachusetts, says the justification for U.S. intervention in Libya is compelling and clear. Introduce-Libya-Resolution html 2127/ US: Action, Not Words Needed from Syria s Assad (VOA) U.S. officials say the international community, and more importantly the Syrian people, are growing weary of the Syrian leader s promises and that what is needed are reforms and an end to what was called here Mr. Assad's repulsive crackdown on dissent. In his third address since Syrian pro-democracy protests began four months ago, President Assad said he would invite 100 leading Syrian personalities to discuss constitutional reforms, with a one-month target for recommendations. The Obama administration has called on the Syrian leader to enact reforms or step aside / US-Veteranen trafen sich in Las Vegas: Ein Prosit auf Würzburg (mainpost) Vor vielen Jahren lebten sie in den Leighton Barracks, und sie schwärmen noch heute von dieser Zeit. Jetzt sahen sich 17 amerikanische Ex- Soldaten wieder. Das Wiedersehen war über Facebook angestoßen und organisiert worden, von früheren Angehörigen des 103. Military Intelligence Battalion der Dritten US-Infanteriedivision. Unsere Aufgabe war es, alle gegnerischen Aktivitäten zu überwachen, die zu einer Invasion der Russen in Deutschland hätten führen können, erinnert sich Rich Crandall aus Anderson Creek in North Carolina. Auch der 47-Jährige hat seine Frau Lori in Würzburg gefunden, und auch sie begleitete ihn nach Las Vegas. Lori diente selbst von 1986 bis 1989 als Soldatin in Würzburg; ihre Kindheit hatte sie in Ramstein verbracht, dem Einsatzort ihres Vaters. Ich fand die Leute in Deutschland sympathisch, sagt sie; deshalb war die Versetzung nach Würzburg so etwas wie eine Heimkehr. Ein 1989 aufgenommenes Foto zeigt Lori und Rich in lässiger Pose in einem Raum der Leighton Barracks. Ich würde Würzburg gerne wieder einmal sehen, ergänzt sie. Vegas-Ein-Prosit-auf-Wuerzburg;art735, ACIPSS-Newsletter /

10 2129/ Many US Officials Concerned About Growing War Costs (VOA) ome U.S. officials are voicing increasing concern about the burgeoning cost of American military involvement in simultaneous wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. By various government and private accounts, the U.S. has spent more than $1 trillion over the last decade on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and already more than $700 million in the three-month-old NATO air war against troops loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. War-Costs html FORMER SOVIET UNION 2130/ Jewgenij Kasperski: 'Das Netz wird Kriegsschauplatz' (Spiegel) Der russische PC-Virenjäger und IT-Unternehmer Jewgenij Kasperski über die jüngsten Hacker-Angriffe auf Weltfirmen wie Google und Sony, virtuelle Killerprogramme wie Stuxnet sowie die ganz reale Entführung seines Sohnes. SPIEGEL: Herr Kasperski, wann war ein Virenjäger wie Sie das letzte Mal selbst Opfer eines virtuellen Angriffs? Kasperski: Jüngst wäre mein Computer zweimal fast infiziert worden. Bei einer Konferenz gab mir jemand meine Flashcard mit einem Virus zurück. Aber da half mir unser eigenes Virenprogramm. Beim zweiten Mal war die Web-Seite eines Hotels auf Zypern verseucht. Solche Dinge passieren jedem, egal, wie vorsichtig man ist. Ich brauche Schutz wie jeder andere. Schließlich vertraut auch ein Facharzt für Geschlechtskrankheiten auf Kondome / Ukraine: 16 cyber hackers detained (news24) Agents from Ukraine's national intelligence agency, the SBU, have detained 16 alleged computer hackers accused of having used a computer virus to steal $72m from international accounts, officials said on Thursday. The detainees, all 'young men from the age of 26 to 33 with splendid technical educations', have been interrogated but remain free as no charges have yet been filed against them, said Vitaly Khlevitsky, an SBU spokesperson. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

11 The alleged cyber thieves used an existing computer virus and internet servers in the US, UK, France, Germany, Cyprus and Latvia to identify targets and break into their accounts, he said. (a) (b) Ukrainischer Geheimdienst: Online-Bande klaute 50 Millionen Euro!: NEAR / MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA 2132/ Profile of Dr. Ayman al-zawahiri (OSINFO) 1. On June 16 Al-Qaeda announced that after a period of consultations, Dr. Ayman al-zawahiri had been appointed as Osama bin Laden's heir. The announcement stressed Al-Qaeda's commitment to jihad, which was the 'personal duty of every Muslim.' The jihad would be waged against the various 'infidels' the United States, Israel and the Arab- Muslim rulers, 'until the Resurrection.'2 This study profiles Ayman al- Zawahiri, his ideology and activities, and evaluates the possible outcome of his appointment as leader of Al-Qaeda. 2. Sheikh Dr. Ayman Mohammed Rabi'a al-zawahiri (Abu Mohammed) was born in 1951 to a wealthy family whose members held senior positions in the Egyptian religious establishment. His piety was evident from an early age, and at 14 he joined the Muslim Brotherhood. In his youth he was influenced by the ideology of Sayyid Qutb, a central figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, who developed the radical Islamic ideology from which the extremist faction of the Muslim Brotherhood sprang. He began studying medicine at the University of Cairo in 1968 and graduated with honors in He specialized in surgery at a university in Pakistan, receiving a PhD, again graduating with honors. (a) (b) The Report: profile-of-dr-ayman-al-zawahiri- 2133/ Pakistani officer arrested over links with banned group (Google) Pakistan on Tuesday announced the arrest of an army brigadier accused of having contacts with a banned international Muslim political group campaigning for an Islamic state ruled by sharia law. The information was released seven weeks after US Navy SEALs found and killed Osama bin Laden in the military town of Abbottabad, reviving disturbing questions about ignorance or complicity within Pakistan's powerful military. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

12 Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said the officer had been arrested after he was 'found in contact with Hizb ut-tahrir', a pan-islamic group banned by Pakistan but on the fringes of extremist activities in the country. 'The investigation is on and we follow a zero tolerance policy of any such activity within the army,' Abbas told AFP. (a) nc4bhrscytm19xrq?docid=cng.a41e69b9fe e0672bfad367a.4e1 (b) Pakistanischer Offizier festgenommen: fizier_extremisten_ html 2134/ Obama to Announce Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan (ibtimes) President Barack Obama will announce the withdrawal of 10,000 American troops from Afghanistan this year, and another 20,000 troops, the remainder of the 2009 'surge,' by the end of next summer, administration officials say. The pullout plan, expected to commence in July, is close to a plan Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, had recommended, The Wall Street Journal reported. (a) (b) Debate Continues Over Proper Conditions for US Drawdown in Afghanistan: Continues-Over-Proper-Conditions-for-US-Drawdown-in-Afghanistan html 2135/ Pressure Mounts on NATO as Drone Helicopter Goes Missing in Libya (VOA) NATO confirms that an unmanned helicopter drone was lost during a mission over Libya Tuesday, but denies claims that forces aligned with leader Moammar Gadhafi shot down an attack helicopter. The drone loss comes as the Alliance faces increasing pressures over the precision of its air attacks and alleged civilian deaths. NATO spokesman Mike Bracken denied the claim by the Gadhafi government that it had shot down an attack helicopter, but confirmed that an unmanned drone was lost on Tuesday. Drone-Helicopter-Goes-Missing-in-Libya html 2136/ Assad orders new amnesty amid huge pro-government rallies in Syria (trend) Syrian President Bashar al-assad on Tuesday issued a new presidential pardon for prisoners, as tens of thousands took to the streets across Syria to support him. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

13 Al-Assad 'issued a decree granting general amnesty for crimes committed before June 20, 2011,' the official SANA news agency reported. This is the second pardon in less than a month, after his May 31 amnesty for all political prisoners detained during the unrest in the country, DPA reported. Local human rights groups have said more than 1,300 civilians have been killed and 10,000 detained since protests demanding greater freedoms and the ouster of al-assad erupted in March across Syria, a country of around 20 million people / Debate Continues Over Proper Conditions for US Drawdown (VOA) President Obama is expected to announce Wednesday the scaling back of U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan. The announcement will herald the start to a gradual thinning out of some of the 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan. The start of the drawdown signals the beginning of a shift of security burdens to Afghan forces and moves toward a political settlement with at least some insurgent factions. Although exact troop withdrawal numbers are not yet available, the president has previously said the drawdown will be significant. Whatever that number is, U.S. officials, up to and including the president, have always said the pace and scale of any troop drawdown will be conditions-based - according to how active and strong the insurgents are, and how prepared the Afghan government is to resist them on its own. But views of the conditions are highly varied. Conditions-for-US-Drawdown-in-Afghanistan html 2138/ Kabul executes two militants (paktribune) The Afghan government has executed two Taliban insurgents for a coordinated gun and suicide attack on a bank, which left 38 people dead, it said on Monday. Zar Ajam, who was Pakistani, and an Afghan named Mutihullah were sentenced to death earlier this month for their part in the attack on a branch of Kabul Bank in Jalalabad, eastern Afghanistan, in February. President Hamid Karzai personally gave the go-ahead for their sentences to be carried out, a statement from the Afghan intelligence service said. The brazen attack, which targeted security officials collecting their salaries, caused outrage among many in Afghanistan. After the killings, local television repeatedly screened closed-circuit television footage from inside the bank showing a man dressed in police uniform repeatedly shooting unarmed civilians. (a) ACIPSS-Newsletter /

14 (b) Todesurteile gegen Taliban-Kämpfer vollstreckt: (c) Todesurteile gegen Taliban-Kämpfer vollstreckt: / IAEA Chief Welcomed to Tour Iranian Nuclear Sites (globalsecuritynewswire) Iran's top atomic official on Tuesday said he had this week encouraged International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano to personally tour the Middle Eastern nation's nuclear sites, Reuters reported. Iranian Atomic Energy Organization head Fereidoun Abbasi issued the invitation at an encounter with Amano in Vienna, Austria. Abbasi did not elaborate further on the content of the discussion, but no signs were evident from the meeting that Tehran could surrender any significant ground in a long-running nuclear standoff with other governments, according to Reuters. The United States and its allies have expressed concern over Iranian activities that could aid bomb development; Tehran has maintained its atomic ambitions have no military component. The Persian Gulf state has limited its cooperation with the U.N. probe into its nuclear intentions. Abbasi said he and Amano had agreed to address disputes in additional discussions. 'We don't have differences of view,' the Iranian official said after the encounter, which an IAEA official verified had taken place / NATO Confirms Libyan Claim of New Airstrike (VOA) NATO on Monday confirmed a Libyan government claim of an earlymorning airstrike that destroyed a large family compound belonging to a close associate of leader Moammar Gadhafi. The alliance at first denied the strike, saying it had not conducted any recent operations in the area of Surman, about 65 kilometers west of the capital, Tripoli. (a) Have-Killed-Civilians-in-Libya html (b) NATO Strikes Military Command and Control Node: / Syrian President Puts Himself At Center Of Road Map For Reforms (rfe) Embattled President Bashar al-assad today announced a road map for the future of Syria -- outlining steps toward revising or rewriting the country's constitution and announcing the formation of a 'national dialogue' committee that would lead to the drafting of a new election law. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

15 In his third public speech since a popular uprising against his regime began in March, Assad today called the situation in Syria 'a defining moment' in the history of the country, saying 'the only option is to look forward toward the future.' Assad said steps toward reforms would be discussed in a 'national dialogue where all take part,' and that the process had already begun through the formation of a National Dialogue Authority representing all elements within Syrian society. (a) (b) Opposition in Syrien erwartet 'blutigen Sommer': Syrien-erwartet-blutigen-Sommer.html 2142/ In Yemen, Thousands Demand Saleh's Family Vacate Key Posts (VOA) Tens of thousands of Yemenis are demonstrating in the capital, Sana'a, to demand that relatives of embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh vacate key government posts and leave the country. Protesters on Monday called for the removal of Saleh's family from security leadership roles. The protesters focused on the removal of the president's son, Ahmed Saleh, as commander of the elite Presidential Guard. The Yemeni president remains in Saudi Arabia, where he is recuperating from injuries sustained in an attack on the presidential compound earlier this month. Salehs-Family-Vacate-Key-Posts html 2143/ Ex-PKK-Kämpfer im Exil: Zwischenstation Irak (alsharq) Was macht ein ehemaliger kurdischer Guerilla-Kämpfer, der die Berge verlassen hat? ein Portrait. Dieser verdammte Plastikclown. Lächelnd hängt die Puppe an ihren Fäden von der Decke und blickt spöttisch auf Soran herab. Jeden Tag, den ganzen Tag lang. Als mokiere sich der vor sich hin schwingende Clown über den türkischen Kurden, der früher mit der PKK gegen den türkischen Staat gekämpft hat. Denn heute sitzt er, der frühere Kämpfer, auf einem wackligen Plastikhocker in seinem Kleiderladen und verkauft türkische Importware. Türkische Ware im kurdischen Nordirak. Aber abhängen wird Soran die Puppe nicht, obwohl er sie nicht mag. Seine Mutter hat den Clown geschickt, zusammen mit der türkischen Ware, die auch sie aussucht: grell bunte, langärmlige Tops und T-Shirts, sowie lange Röcke, die den Schaufensterpuppen wie Säcke herunterhängen. Die Mutter, die er seit fünfzehn Jahren nicht gesehen hat: Soran musste aus der Türkei fliehen, als er sechzehn war. Mit der Flucht brach der Kontakt ab: Eineinhalb Jahrzehnte Schweigen. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

16 2144/ Israelischer Spion in Ägypten gefasst (koptisch.wordpress) Ägypten hat einen israelischen Staatsbürger wegen des Verdachtes auf Spionage festgenommen. Er handele im Auftrag des Geheimdienstes Mossad. Israels Außenminister Avigdor Lieberman wies die Vorwürfe zurück. Am Dienstag meldete die ägyptische Zeitung Al-Masri al- Jum, der Verdächtige, Ilan Grapel, habe sich mit sechs Personen getroffen, die mit einem Spionagering in Verbindung gebracht würden. Er sei mit einem Touristenvisum nach Ägypten eingereist. Der Mossad habe ihn beauftragt, Informationen über die Muslimbruderschaft, die koptischen Christen, den Hohen Militärrat und die Koalition der Revolutionären Jugend zu sammeln. Er habe mit Mitgliedern der Muslimbruderschaft gesprochen. Auch sei er bei den Demonstrationen auf dem Tahrir-Platz nach dem Sturz von Präsident Hosni Mubarak gesehen worden / U.S. drone missile attacks in N.W. Pakistan kill 7 (cbc) Suspected U.S. drones fired missiles at a vehicle and a house in northwest Pakistan, killing at least seven people in a rare attack in an area where some of NATO's fiercest enemies have reportedly travelled, Pakistani officials said. The first attack in the Kurram tribal area hit a vehicle, killing five suspected militants, said Noor Alam, a local government official. As tribesmen rushed to the scene, the vehicle was again struck, killing two more people, he said. (a) (b) US-Drohnen töten mindestens sieben Menschen: / Al-Jazeera - Marionette des Mossad (freitag) Der Sender Al-Jazeera sieht sich diffamiert und für Falschinformationen verantwortlich gemacht. Selbst eine Steuerung durch Israels Geheimdienst wird ihm unterstellt Als al-jazeera und andere arabische Satelliten-Programme 1996 auf Sendung gingen, begannen die arabischen Nachrichtendienste umgehend damit, eine Atmosphäre des Zweifels um uns herum zu schaffen. Unter anderem verbreiteten sie das Gerücht, al-jazeera sei von einem Offizier des Mossad, des israelischen Geheimdienstes, gegründet worden. Der Mann wohne im Sheraton-Hotel in Doha. Ganz offensichtlich hatten die Regimes zu viel Angst, um uns mit Tatsachen anzugreifen. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

17 2147/ Remarks by the President on the Way Forward in Afghanistan (rfe) Declaring that 'the tide of war is receding' and that America is meeting its goals of defeating the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, U.S. President Barack Obama has announced that he will withdraw 10,000 troops this year and 23,000 more next year, representing a U.S. force reduction of approximately 30 percent. The withdrawal equals the number of 'surge' troops Obama ordered into battle in December 2009 and signals the start of what he called 'the beginning, but not the end of [America's] effort to wind down this war.' (a) (b) Obama Announces U.S. Troop Cuts In Afghanistan, Tells Americans That 'Tide Of War' Is Receding: l (c) Obama Announces Troop Reductions, Way Forward in Afghanistan: / Syrian FM Says No Iranian Intervention, Blasts Europe (VOA) Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem told a news conference Wednesday that Syria is not receiving any help from Iran in its continuing crackdown on dissidents. He also blasted Europe, insisting that Syria plans to 'forget Europe is on the map' as the European Union tightened sanctions against Damascus. The veteran Syrian foreign minister repeated his government s claim of an outside plot against Damascus. He insisted that European nations are spearheading the effort by ignoring a speech by President Bashar al-assad this week that Western observers say failed to put forth meaningful reforms. Blasts-Europe html FAR EAST & ASIA 2149/ Hacked Sega finds unlikely friend in Sony hacker LulzSec (ibt) Japanese video game developer Sega, which was hacked earlier this week, has found an unlikely friend in hacking group LulzSec, which has offered to help it 'destroy the people' who attacked its network. Sega Corp joined the ranks of growing number of video game companies whose computer network were hacked into in the past few months, by announcing Friday that its Pass network was breached and some personal information ACIPSS-Newsletter /

18 about an unspecified number of Sega Pass online network members were compromised in the attack / Inquiry launched into India's 'chewing gum' spy claim (telegraph) India's prime minister has ordered an espionage investigation after 'chewing gum' was found stuck under the desks of his finance minister and senior members of his staff. They feared the gum had been used to attach bugging devices. Dr Manmohan Singh ordered the inquiry after finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, effectively his deputy prime minister, complained of a 'serious security breach' and possible surveillance operation after the discovery of 'planted adhesives' at 16 points in his office and those of some of his aides. Officials from the Intelligence Bureau were drafted in to establish whether the 'planted adhesives' were carefully placed to hold surveillance devices or simply discarded pieces of bubble gum furtively pressed under the desks of senior officials by careless peons or office cleaners. (a) (b) Kaugummi führt zu Großeinsatz in indischem Finanzministerium: / Singapore Urges Beijing to Spell Out China Sea Claims (english.chosun) Singapore is urging China to spell out its territorial claims in the South China Sea with more precision. In a formal statement Monday, Singapore's foreign ministry said it is in China's own interest to clarify the extent of its claims, saying the current ambiguity is causing concern among other maritime nations. The statement comes as Singapore plays host to a port visit by the Haixun 31, one of China's largest naval patrol ships. It is the first time a major Chinese navy vessel has visited another country / Irgendwas war noch ach ja, Fukushima! (theintelligence) Zu Zeiten des Eisernen Vorhangs konnte man die Dinge noch leicht in schwarz-weiß einteilen der veraltete Fernsehempfänger half da noch dazu. Sprach man vom großen Staatszirkus, tourten fremdartige Artisten durchs Land, die sich in ihrer Akrobatik genauso atemberaubend perfekt verbogen wie deren Aufpasser, um jedweden Kontakt mit der von westlichen Einflüssen kontaminierten Außenwelt zu verhindern. Der Zirkus um Fukushima vermag indes stümperhaft den Blick auf die Ruine unter Plastikplanen ACIPSS-Newsletter /

19 verhüllen, nicht aber die ein oder andere Information über die hilflosen Reparaturversuche der Betreiberfirma. Zugegeben, das Informationsbächlein kann bei Weitem nicht mehr mithalten mit der Flut an kontaminierenden Stoffen zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft. In Japan selbst kommen Informationen für die um Japans künftige Energiepolitik diskutierenden Politiker von eben den Bürokraten, die ihren Landsleuten die Atomkraft bisher als absolut sicher verkauft haben. Dies kritisieren zumindest Anti- Atomkraft-Aktivisten, wie in einem Artikel der Financial Times Deutschland vom zu lesen ist. Und die Welt schaut erschrocken und scheinbar tatenlos zu. EUROPE (GEOGRAPH.) 2153/ Walk the Talk: The EU Needs an Effective Early Warning System (OSINFO) WALK THE TALK: The EU needs an effective early warning system to match its ambitions to prevent conflict and promote peace by Lucia Montanaro and Julia Schünemann. (a) (b) The report: / Italy: The P4 and its Mysterious Go-between (standard) Italy is a land of cliques. Relatively small groups of powerful people wield an enormous amount of influence over what goes on in this land. The tools of choice of these unscrupulous, but exceedingly wellorganised and financed, groups are often corruption and intimidation. First a little background on Italy s two Ps the P2 and the P3, then a look at the latest p to spray Italy, the P4. Conspiracy theorists will, no doubt, love to hear stories of Italy s parallel state, one of which began with the mysterious and now defunct, theoretically, P2 group of Italian power mongers. Allegedly, Italy s serving prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was a member of the shady Propaganda 2 or P2 masonic lodge which ran from 1945 to 1976, before it became illegal. However the P2 continued to operate behind the scenes in Italy until investigations brought it to an official end back in (a) aly+latest+corrupt+clique+p4+mysterious (b) Neuer Skandal um Geheimloge P4: ACIPSS-Newsletter /

20 2155/ Islamische Terrorzelle auf Teneriffa unter Beobachtung (comprendes-grancanaria) Der spanische Geheimdienst CNI ermittelt auf der Kanareninsel Teneriffa gegen eine Terrorzelle in einer islamistischen Gemeinde. Nach den Erkenntnissen der Zelle auf Gran Canaria ist man inzwischen hochsensibilisiert. Der spanische Geheimdienst CNI (Centro Nacional de Información) beobachte im Moment allein auf Teneriffa mehr als ein Dutzend Verdächtiger aus der islamistischen Szene. Am 2. Juni verhaftete die Policía Nacional in San Fernando in der Tourismus-Gemeinde San Bartolomé einen mutmaßlichen Anführer der Islamisten-Szene. Das Gericht setzte ihn nach dem Haftprüfungstermin gegen Kaution und Auflagen wieder auf freien Fuß. 2156/ Italy's Foreign Minister Calls for End to Hostilities in Libya (Globalsecurity) Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been under growing pressure from his party's much-needed ally, the Northern League, to decide an end date to withdraw from Libya. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini spoke Wednesday about the NATO-led military operation. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been battling to keep his coalition together with an increasingly frustrated partner, the Northern League. The League has been demanding an end to Italy s costly involvement in the NATO-led campaign in Libya. It also wants to see a resolution to the continuing arrival of immigrants from Libya on the Italian coastline. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Wednesday spoke about the ongoing hostilities in Libya. In particular, he addressed the need for humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the North African country. voa02.htm UNITED KINGDOM 2157/ Accused Sony Hacker Arrested in England (HP) The arrest of 19-year-old Ryan Clearly comes in the wake of a string of security breaches, including an attack on PlayStation Network. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

21 A British teenager, who is suspected of being part of the group of hackers known as Lulz Security, was arrested Monday night in Essex, England. Scotland Yard identified the 19-year-old man as Ryan Clearly and he was taken into custody at his home in Wickford, in the county of Essex, according to press reports. Investigators believe the arrest is significant and linked to the attacks based mainly at websites belonging to U.S. institutions and organizations. The operation involved two British forces as well as the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. The police said they believed the attacks were linked and were carried out by the same group of hackers, the Guardian reported. (a) (b) 19-Jähriger in Ermittlungen wegen Hacker-Angriffen festgenommen: (c) Sony/CIA: Britische Polizei verhaftet mutmaßlichen Hacker: CIA-Britische-Polizei-verhaftet-mutmasslichen-Hacker.html (d) Angeblicher LulzSec-Anführer in Großbritannien verhaftet: / Police database will share data on 15 million people (BBC) Police have set up a computer system which will allow UK forces to share intelligence on 15 million people. A Police National Database was the key recommendation from the Bichard Inquiry into failings by police into the Soham murders in It found that police failed to disclose details of allegations against Ian Huntley a year before he murdered Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, both 10. Privacy campaigners say non-criminals should not be on the system. The database, which brings together 150 separate computer systems, combines intelligence from the 43 police forces in England and Wales / Royal Navy investigating death of female officer on ship (BBC) The Royal Navy has confirmed it is investigating the death of a female officer aboard HMS Edinburgh. Lieutenant Sara Hellawell, 26, was found dead on 16 June when the destroyer, known as the Fortress of the Sea, was moored in Angola. It is not yet known how the deputy marine engineer officer died. A spokesman said: 'Her next of kin have been informed. The thoughts and sympathies of the Royal Navy are with Sara's family.' ACIPSS-Newsletter /

22 2160/ NI ministers at London British-Irish meeting (BBC) First and Deputy First Ministers Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness will represent Northern Ireland at a British-Irish Council meeting in London later. Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry is also attending. Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will also be present. NORTHERN IRELAND (This section is edited by Oliver PLAUDER, ACIPSS s expert on the IRA) 2161/ Queen and Obama visits 'well worth' 20m cost (independent) IT cost an estimated 20m to host the visits of Queen Elizabeth and US President Barack Obama -- but Taoiseach Enda Kenny insisted yesterday the global media coverage of both events made it all worthwhile. It was the first time he had released estimates of the cost of the two visits, which required the involvement of around 7,500 gardai, military personnel and civilian employees Mr Kenny said there had been around 38,000 articles and media broadcasts about Queen Elizabeth's four-day visit and Mr Obama's one-day trip. 'The estimated cost of that is about 300m, not to mention the impact in terms of Ireland's status and reputation and the global coverage that both visits received during that week,' he said / Shot spy: I will find gunman myself (SUN) It was the day which brought the horrors of Northern Ireland s conflict to our doorstep. Twelve years ago today former IRA spy Martin McGartland was on a life support machine after being shot six times outside his Tyneside safehouse. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

23 The shooting came eight years after he was exposed as an informer for the British Secret Service. Despite a number of people being arrested and questioned in connection with the horrific crime, no one has ever been charged with the attempted murder. Mr McGartland insists it was carried out by IRA hitmen. 2163/ Source of garda collusion claims has died (Independent) The British Army officer who was the initial source of the garda collusion claims being examined by the Smithwick Tribunal into the IRA murders of two senior RUC officers was killed in Afghanistan two years ago. Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe was killed by a landmine in Helmand Province in July In 1991, Lt Col Thorneloe was the British Army's intelligence liaison officer with the RUC in south Armagh. He took a particular interest in the killings of Chief Supt Harry Breen and Supt Bob Buchanan in March / Kingsmills: Six named in HET report (newsletter) The HET report into the 1976 Kingsmills massacre yesterday named six individuals who had been convicted of various attacks linked to the 11 weapons used in the slaughter of the 10 Protestants. HET was careful to say that it could not assume that the six named individuals were involved in Kingsmills, just that they had been convicted of other crimes in which the same weapons were used. Whilst linkage is extremely important information to investigators, the HET report said, it is limited in that although it links weapons to other crimes, it does not necessarily implicate individuals. (a) het_report_1_ (b) IRA blamed for Kingsmill massacre: ACIPSS-Newsletter /

24 2165/ Tandragee killer mounts new legal bid (u-tv) The convicted killer of two teenage friends is to mount a legal bid to have his minimum 30-year jail sentence reduced. Steven Leslie Brown has been given a date in September for his appeal against the term imposed for the murders of David McIlwaine and Andrew Robb. Brown, 30, and also known as Steven Revels, failed last month to have his convictions for the February 2000 killings overturned d7-d598f31d824f 2166/ Marchers and police clash at Tour of North parade in Belfast (belfasttelegraph) Violent clashes have marred the first contentious parade of Northern Ireland's marching season. Bricks and bottles were thrown at police in north Belfast as the Tour of the North turned ugly when two feeder parades were re-routed from the interface area in Ardoyne. Riot police were forced to move in when violence flared at the notorious flashpoint. (a) (b) No convictions over illegal republican marches: epublican_marches_1_ / Bid to halt Massereene murders case fails (BBC) Lawyers for two men accused of murdering two soldiers at Massereene Barracks have failed in a bid to have the case against their clients halted. Patrick Azimkar and Mark Quinsey were shot dead in March 2009 outside the base as they collected takeaway pizzas. Colin Duffy from Lurgan and Brian Shivers from Maghera are charged with murder and several other offences / Strand Road police station bombs - men face Derry court (BBC) A 42-year-old man has appeared in court in Londonderry charged with a mortar bomb attack on Strand Road police station in May ACIPSS-Newsletter /

25 Philip O'Donnell of Ardnamoyle Park in the city is also charged with having a mortar bomb on the same date. The device, launched from a car in Queen's Street, failed to explode. The attack has been blamed on the Real IRA / Strabane death threat dad defies gunmen (BBC) A Strabane man has been told he will be shot if he does not leave the town in 24 hours. Lee Conroy said the police told him on Tuesday of a threat to shoot him and burn his house and car. Mr Conroy said it is not the first time he has been targeted, but he refuses to be intimidated. 'I don't know why I am being targeted, I am not leaving Strabane, but I will relocate for the sake of my family,' he said / Murdered man s son now under threat (belfastmedia) A New Lodge man whose father was shot dead in 2001 has said he himself has received death threats after being accused of burglaries in the area. Paul Patrick Daly, whose father Paul Daly was killed by Direct Action Against Drugs near Central Library in 2001, says he has been verbally threatened on a number of occasions but denies any involvement in the burglaries. Paul Daly snr was sitting in a car with his partner in Stephen Street in May 2001 when he was shot ten times by gunmen. The 38-year-old had just dropped his daughter off at a relative's house when he was attacked. Now his son, who is currently on probation for a theft in Belfast city centre last year, says he too fears for his safety after receiving the threat / Gerry Adams sanctioned IRA s Jean McConville murder (belfasttelegraph) PSNI officers investigating the murder of Jean McConville have been given access to taped testimony by Brendan Hughes allegedly detailing the decision to murder her. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

26 In the testimony, Mr Hughes, a former Belfast IRA commander, accuses Gerry Adams, the Sinn Fein president, of sanctioning the secret burial of the mother-of-10 in The handover was revealed in papers lodged by Boston College seeking to block further access to its unique oral archive, known as the Belfast Project. ireland/gerry-adams-lsquosanctioned-iralsquos-jean-mcconville-murderlsquo html#ixzz1PSab4xlH 2172/ Fears over loyalist ceasefire (belfasttelegraph) A senior unionist has raised fears loyalists could be planning to target dissident republicans. The politician, speaking on condition of anonymity, said an informed security source had revealed that elements of the UDA and UVF were looking at the dissident threat. The politician was not suggesting an imminent threat to the loyalist ceasefires, but expressing fears about what could happen. 2173/ Cop in the dock after being accused of hacking (dailyrecord) A POLICE officer has been charged with trawling secret intelligence files about some of Scotland's biggest mobsters. Constable James Addie, 34, is accused of looking at files involving crime lords including Paul Ferris, John Gorman, Johnny Adair and other crime bosses linked to Loyalist terror groups. Addie - who has resigned from Strathclyde Police - faces 15 charges of accessing the Scottish Intelligence Database. The computer system is a 'one-stop shop' for information shared between all eight forces, the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency and the Serious and Organised Crime Agency / Dissident republican terror group shot photographer Carson (belfasttelegraph) Dissident republicans were responsible for the gunfire in which a press photographer was injured during rioting in east Belfast last night, the Police Service of Northern Ireland said. Three shots were fired during the disturbances around the Short Strand area of east Belfast, which has seen its most serious rioting for several years. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

27 The Press Association photographer, Niall Carson, who was covering the violence, suffered an injury to the leg and was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital, where he was said to be in a stable condition. 2175/ Peaceful night after riot violence (belfasttelegraph) Hopes of an end to rioting in Belfast were growing after a night which was free from trouble. On Wednesday east Belfast was quiet, with talks between community representatives gathering pace and an intervention by the power-sharing executive's First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness to investigate the main interface concerns / Belfast flashpoint quiet after day of talks (BBC) A flashpoint area of east Belfast is calm after a day of negotiations aimed at preventing a third night of trouble. Loyalist and nationalist sources have told the BBC talks have reached an agreement to prevent any trouble on Wednesday night. There was a large police presence in the area during the day, but this was withdrawn at 2045 BST as community marshals appeared / East Belfast residents caught in the crossfire of riots (BBC) As violence broke out for a second night in east Belfast, ordinary people found themselves caught in the middle. Evelyn Robinson, 83, lives in a house next to the so-called peace wall and has permanent metal grilles over her windows. Firecrackers and debris from the riot can be seen in her garden and on her roof. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

28 2178/ Who are the UVF? (BBC) During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Ulster Volunteer Force murdered more than 500 people. The loyalist paramilitary group's campaign also claimed the lives of 33 people in bomb attacks in Dublin and Monaghan in The UVF was formed in 1966 to combat what it saw as a rise in Irish nationalism centred on the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising. It adopted the name and symbols of the original UVF, the movement founded in 1912 by Sir Edward Carson to fight against Home Rule. Many UVF men joined the 36th Ulster Division of the British Army and died in large numbers during the Battle of the Somme in July / Smithwick tribunal garda collusion - 'monstrous lie' (BBC) Claims that a former garda sergeant was in the pay of a senior republican were 'a monstrous lie', the Smithwick tribunal in Dublin has been told. The tribunal is investigating alleged garda collusion in the murders of Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan. The men were killed in a border ambush in March A former RUC officer claimed Chief Supt Breen was concerned that Owen Corrigan was 'in the pay of' Thomas slab Murphy. GERMANY 2180/ Die Netzspione sind immer unter uns (NZ) Täglich werden deutsche Firmen ausgespäht über das Internet und von Mitarbeitern. Wie groß die Gefahr ist, wie sich Firmen schützen können und wieso sich der Verfassungsschutz damit beschäftigt, darüber unterhielt sich die NZ mit Rudolf Proschko. Der Leiter Spionageabwehr beim Bayerischen Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz war auf Einladung des Wirtschaftsbeirats der Union in Fürth. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

29 NZ: Herr Proschko, Sie sind Verfassungsschützer, wieso beschäftigen Sie sich mit Wirtschaftsspionage? Ist es nicht Aufgabe der Unternehmen, sich zu schützen? Proschko: Wirtschaftsspionage bezeichnet die Spionage von fremden Staaten und deren Nachrichtendiensten. Demgegenüber geht die Industriespionage von Wettbewerbern aus. Die Verfassungsschutzbehörden beschäftigen sich mit der Abwehr von Wirtschaftsspionage. 2181/ Der Fall Stolpe ist noch nicht abgeschlossen (berliner-kurier) Er ist nun rund 100 Tage im Amt: Roland Jahn (57). Am 14. März trat der frühere DDR-Bürgerrechtler und RBB-Journalist die Nachfolge von Marianne Birthler als Bundesbeauftragter für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der DDR an. KURIER-Redakteur Ronald Gorny sprach mit ihm. KURIER: Haben Sie Ihre Entscheidung schon bereut? Jahn: Nein. Ich habe als Journalist zur Aufklärung der Diktatur der DDR beigetragen und kann jetzt in meiner neuen verantwortungsvollen Position diese Arbeit fortsetzen / Deutsche Behörden verprellen russische Kriegsveteranen (rian) In Deutschland lebende russische Kriegsveteranen fühlen sich durch die Behörden gekränkt, schreibt die Zeitung 'Nowyje Iswestija' am Mittwoch. Laut deutschem Gesetz erhalten alle Kriegsveteranen (egal aus welchem Land) Veteranengelder. Einzige Ausnahme sind die Russen. Ihnen werden von den deutschen Behörden die Zuschüsse abgezogen, die sie als Teilnehmer des Zweiten Weltkrieges von der russischen Regierung erhalten. Dabei ignorieren die Beamten eine Verfügung des deutschen Ministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales, wonach Veteranenzuschüsse nicht als Einkommen gelten, so dass nichts davon abgezogen werden dürfte. Aber die Beamten in jedem Bundesland interpretieren den Erlass offenbar nach eigenem Gutdünken. Allein in Frankfurt am Main erhalten die russischen Kriegsveteranen die gesamte Summe / Code-Name 'Uranus' ACIPSS-Newsletter /

30 (taz) Der Historiker Peter Hammerschmidt enthüllt, wie der Bundesnachrichtendienst Altnazis deckte und auch für sich nutzte. Als Doppelagenten und Waffen-Verkäufer. Nach seinen Recherchen war der westdeutsche Auslandsgeheimdienst in den sechziger Jahren noch viel enger mit ehemaligen SS- und NSDAP-Mitgliedern durchseucht, als man bisher wusste. Demnach sind weitere Kontakte eines ganzen Netzes von Altnazis in Lateinamerika zum BND und dessen Tarnunternehmen 'Merex' belegbar. Darunter sind bekannte Namen wie der des NS-Fliegerasses und Neonazi-Stars Hans Ulrich Rudel oder der von Willem Sassen, der den Holocaust-Organisator Adolf Eichmann jahrelang schützte. Nicht nur das: Das Bonner Unternehmen Merex, geführt von einem BND-Mann, diente auch noch dazu, ausrangiertes Bundeswehrgerät ausgerechnet an Diktatoren in Lateinamerika zu exportieren, die so ihre Macht sichern konnten - und das mit Hilfe alter Nazis / CIA führte einstigen BKA-Chef Dickopf als Mitarbeiter (Spiegel) Als Mitarbeiter führte der US-Geheimdienst CIA den früheren BKA- Präsidenten Paul Dickopf. Das geht aus der Personalakte Dickopfs hervor, die das Nationalarchiv in Washington zugänglich gemacht hat. Ein Memorandum vom August 1968 bezeichnet Dickopf als 'unilateralen Agenten' der CIA. 'Unsere grundlegende Beziehung mit Herrn Dickopf ist heimlicher Art, aber die offiziellen Kontakte werden als Deckmantel für Treffen mit ihm benutzt', notierte der europäische CIA-Chef. Eine Historikergruppe der Universität Halle-Wittenberg war bereits auf einen Vermerk gestoßen, wonach der vormalige SS-Untersturmführer von der CIA Zahlungen erhielt (SPIEGEL 15/2011). Im Gegenzug gab Dickopf Informationen über Spitzenbeamte weiter und lieferte Interna des BKA sowie anderer Behörden. Die US-Amerikaner luden ihn zu 'Herrenabenden' ein und achteten auf 'maximale Möglichkeiten zum Sightseeing', wenn ihr Informant in die USA reiste, etwa nach San Francisco / Uwe Barschels Wiederkehr (welt) Der Fall Barschel beschäftigt wieder die Ermittler: Genetische Fingerabdrücke könnten zu den Tätern führen. Doch nicht einmal die Staatsanwaltschaft weiß, welche Beweise überhaupt noch da sind Der Mann, der Barschel als Erster obduzierte, lebt heute als Pensionär in Genf. Dr. Oldrich Fryc war 1987 der zuständige Gerichtsmediziner, als Uwe Barschel im Schweizer Hotel 'Beau-Rivage' tot aufgefunden wurde. Gemeinsam mit zwei Kollegen untersuchte er noch am Tag des Auffindens den Leichnam, sezierte ihn, zog seine Schlüsse. Oldrich Fryc, heute ein freundlicher älterer Herr, ist ein wichtiger Mann bei der Bewertung des mysteriösen Falls. Seit jeher gilt er als ein zentraler Zeuge für die These, der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von Schleswig-Holstein habe Selbstmord begangen. Das soll Fryc nach der Obduktion irgendwo zu Protokoll gegeben haben - wo, ist unklar, in seinem offiziellen Obduktionsbericht steht davon nichts, aber es wurde in der Schweizer Presse kolportiert. Heute, 15 Jahre nach Frycs Pensionierung, ist die Barschel-Debatte in Deutschland wieder ACIPSS-Newsletter /

31 aufgeflammt, und der Gerichtsmediziner will seinen Beitrag leisten. Fryc sagt: 'Ich habe nie behauptet, dass es Suizid war.' Die Reihen derer, die Uwe Barschel für einen Selbstmörder halten, lichten sich. 2186/ BKA-Ermittler kämpfen gegen Online-Verbrecher (stern) Deutsche Fahnder haben zwei Online-Verbrecherbanden das Handwerk gelegt. Bei der Razzia durchsuchten sie Büros und Rechenzentren und stellten mehrere Computer sicher. Elf Staaten beteiligten sich an der Aktion, die vom FBI geplant wurde. Der Kampf gegen Cyber-Kriminelle geht weiter: Nach der Razzia gegen Anfang des Monats ging es jetzt einigen Betreibern von Schadsoftware an den Kragen. Ermittler des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) durchsuchten in einer international abgestimmten Aktion mehrere Firmengebäude sowie zwei Wohnobjekte im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Auch diverse Rechenzentren in Bayern, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen wurden von den Fahndern untersucht. Auslöser war ein Rechtshilfeersuchen der US-Bundespolizei FBI, die derzeit wegen massenhafter Verbreitung von Schadsoftware über das Internet ermittelt. (a) Wiederkehr.html (b) Alle Artikel, Hintergründe und Fakten: (c) Selbsttötung oder Mossad-Mord: Nach 25 Jahren kommt der Fall Uwe Barschel wieder ins Rollen: / 'Gespräche mit der Stasi waren eine Gratwanderung' (Zeit) Der frühere Kirchenrat in der DDR, Ulrich Schröter, verteidigt im Interview Kontakte zwischen Kirchenvertretern und Stasi. Auch Manfred Stolpe nimmt er in Schutz. ZEIT ONLINE: Herr Schröter, ein jetzt veröffentlichtes Gutachten zur Stasi- Belastung in Politik und Verwaltung des Landes Brandenburg wirft auch die Frage nach der Verantwortung der Kirchen neu auf. Warum ließen sich Kirchenvertreter auf Gespräche mit der Stasi ein? Ulrich Schröter: Diejenigen, die das taten, haben nach 1989 gesagt: Pfarrer und andere Kirchenverantwortliche konnten bei Problemen mehr erreichen, wenn sie mit den Repräsentanten der SED und mit dem Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, dem MfS, sprachen, als wenn sie es über die Regierungsstellen am Ort oder im Bezirk versuchten. Dabei ging es etwa darum, Veranstaltungen unter dem Dach der Kirche gegen staatliche Kritik zu verteidigen, Repressalien gegen Einzelne abzuwenden, Inhaftierte freizubekommen oder für begabte Schüler aus parteifernen Familien den Zugang zur Abiturstufe zu erwirken. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

32 SWITZERLAND 2188/ «Oskar Freysinger ist ein Held» (derbund) SVP-Nationalrat Oskar Freysinger ist in Paris bei einem Anlass einer rechtsextremen Gruppe für seinen Anti-Islamismus gefeiert worden. Die Veranstaltung rief den französischen Geheimdienst auf den Plan. SVP-Nationalrat Oksar Freysinger ist innert zwei Wochen in drei europäischen Städten aufgetreten. Auch bei der dritten Station seiner Europa-Tournee referierte der streitbare Politiker aus dem Wallis über die direkte Demokratie und den Kampf gegen die Islamisierung in Europa. Nach Paris eingeladen hatte ihn die umstrittene Organisation Riposte Laïque. Die französischen Behörden stufen diese Organisation als rechtsextrem ein. Bei seinem Auftritt in Paris hatte Freysinger vier Leibwächter an seiner Seite, wie die Westschweizer Zeitung «Le Matin» berichtet. Eine linke Gruppierung habe versucht, den Anlass mit Freysinger zu stören. Es sei dann aber doch nichts passiert. Held/story/ / Ex-Spione klagen 20-Minuten-Journalist an: Verhandlung abgebrochen (tagesanzeiger) Ein Redaktor der Pendlerzeitung wird beschuldigt, frühere Mitarbeiter des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes im Ostblock in ihrer Ehre verletzt zu haben. Sie wehren sich gegen den Ausdruck «Bespitzelung». Ein Oberst, ein Oberleutnant und ein Jurist des besonderen Nachrichtendienstes der Schweizer Armee haben Anklage gegen einen Redaktor von erhoben. Der Fall wird heute vor dem Bezirksgericht Zürich verhandelt. Die drei Kläger sind der Meinung, eine Serie über «Skandale und Affären» der Schweizer Armee auf «20 Minuten online» habe sie «in ihrer Ehre aufs Gröbste verletzt», wie der Vertreter des Trios in der Klageschrift schreibt. Dabei geht es um Online-Beiträge, in denen steht, die Betroffenen seien mit der «Bespitzelung vermeintlicher Extremisten im Inland» beschäftigt gewesen. Sie hätten «eine Liste von 442 Männern und 57 Frauen erstellt, die im Kriegsfall sofort interniert werden sollten». Das war laut «illegal». 20MinutenJournalist-an/story/ ACIPSS-Newsletter /

33 AUSTRIA 2190/ Terrorismus: Mehr Geld und Befugnisse gegen radikale Minderheiten (Standard) Innenministerin Mikl-Leitner und Justizministerin Karl präsentierten Maßnahmenpaket, das u.a. 'Öffentlichkeit' neu definieren soll. Die Regierung schnürt wieder ein Paket, diesmal gegen Terrorismus. Vorerst wird es von der ÖVP befüllt, deren Ministerinnen Johanna Mikl-Leitner (Inneres) sowie Beatrix Karl (Justiz) am Mittwoch 'vier Säulen' für die Terrorismus-Prävention präsentierten und nun mit der SPÖ darüber verhandeln wollen. Künftig sollen die Behörden weitgehendere Befugnisse zum Verknüpfen von Ermittlungsdaten bekommen, und die Anleitung zu Begehung, Aufforderung oder 'Gutheißung' eines Terrorakts sollen strafbar werden. Außerdem werden 10 Millionen Euro in Ermittlungstechnologie investiert und das Bemühen um einen 'Kulturdialog' mit islamischen Mitbürgern intensiviert, kündigten die beiden Ministerinnen an. Geld-und-Befugnisse-gegen-radikale-Minderheiten AMERICA (CONTINENTAL) 2191/ Latin America, Development and Organized Crime/Ninna Nyberg Sørensen (diis) Live interview with Ninna Nyberg Sørensen on TV Europa / CNN ireport. Ninna Nyberg Sørensen, Head of the research unit on Migration at DIIS, was interviewed on development prospects and migration in Latin America, in particular the effects of organized crime and corruption, as a special guest in the programme Spotlight, June 15, (a) (b) The interview: / STRATFOR Source Doubts Los Zetas Chief's Death in Mexico (STRATFOR) Cartel-related violence has reached record levels in Mexico. Despite increased security operations ordered by Mexican President Felipe Calderon in December 2006, Mexico s criminal cartels continue to operate in many parts of the country. According to El Nuevo Heraldo, Heriberto El Lazca Lazcano Lazcano was killed at approximately 2 p.m. local time June 17 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas state, on Avenida del Nino at the intersection with Lauro Villar. It was reported that the top leader of Los Zetas was killed during a running gunbattle involving Gulf cartel forces. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

34 A separate report by El Universal citing Mexican military sources indicated that three were killed and nine were injured in a firefight involving Mexican soldiers and marines against members of Los Zetas and the Gulf cartel near the Tomates international bridge in Matamoros. Mexican military sources denied that Lazcano Lazcano was killed. That the firefight happened in Matamoros, a Gulf cartel stronghold, raises significant doubts about the reports of Lazcano Lazcano s death. Indeed, one well-placed Mexican government STRATFOR source has reported that Lazcano Lazcano has not been killed. Also, a STRATFOR U.S. counterterrorism source has indicated that the body that sparked the rumors of Lazcano Lazcano s death is currently being fingerprinted and undergoing forensic testing, but from the U.S. source s perspective it is not thought to be him. It should be noted that if Lazcano Lazcano is indeed dead, there could be intelligence that is being acted upon before a formal announcement is made. However, rumors of his demise could well be false. ialreport&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=110617&utm_content=readmore&elq=2fa 5aec7922f fa51e208f8aa 2193/ Mexico: Confusing Reports of a Battle in Matamoros (Stratfor) Zetas Raid or Rescue? Around 5 a.m. on June 17, simultaneous firefights reportedly broke out between elements of the Gulf and Los Zetas cartels in several locations in Matamoros, Tamaulipas state, a Gulf stronghold. The Mexican military has confirmed that a gunbattle did indeed take place in the Colonia Pedro Moreno area but has not confirmed media reports of additional firefights in the Mariano Matamoros, Valle Alto, Puerto Rico and Seccion 16 neighborhoods. The military also has not confirmed a reported gunbattle in the rural area of Cabras Pintas, where six Mexican soldiers are said to have been killed. mo&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=110623b&utm_content=readmore&elq=80930fc60 2ea4e22addfca7b626a1c85 AFRICA (SUB-SAHARA) 2194/ Somalia: US pilot jailed for 15 years over pirate ransoms (msnbc) A Somali court has jailed six foreigners including three Britons and an American for illegally carrying millions of dollars into the country to pay ransoms for the release of vessels held by pirates. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

35 Authorities in the Horn of Africa country seized two aircraft carrying $3.6 million in the capital Mogadishu late last month. 'We sentenced the two pilots, who are American and British nationals, to 15 years imprisonment and a $15,000 fine each,' the Mogadishu court's judge Hashi Elmi told Reuters late on Saturday. The charges were illegally bringing money into the country, carrying cash intended to pay ransoms and landing in Mogadishu without the correct papers. 2195/ Sudan: UN welcomes deal on temporary arrangements for disputed Abyei (globalsecurity) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the agreement in Sudan to demilitarize the disputed area of Abyei, over which the national Government and the Southern Sudan administration have engaged in fresh warfare. Representatives from the Government of Sudan and their counterparts from the Sudan People s Liberation Movement (SPLM), representing Southern Sudan, today in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, reached an agreement that provides for temporary administrative arrangements for Abyei and the withdrawal of troops from both sides. Sudanese armed forces will be replaced by an Interim Security Force for Abyei (ISFA) to be made up of Ethiopian troops. The Secretary-General calls on the parties to abide in full by its provisions to demilitarize the area and establish an administration and police service and to provide their full cooperation to the United Nations and Government of Ethiopia in deploying peacekeeping troops and police to the area, Mr. Ban said of the agreement. (a) (b) Somalia: 15 Jahre Gefängnis für Briten: unnews02.htm?_m=3n.002a.228.bo0ao00ws0.7es THE CYBER BATTLEFIELD/ CIVIL RIGHTS 2196/ Les marchés noirs de la cybercriminalité (OSINFO) LES MARCHES NOIRS DE LA CYBERCRIMINALITE - Réalisé sous la direction de Guillaume Tissier par Marie Garbez, Barbara Louis-Sidney, Félix Aimé, Louis Vatier et Nicolas Caproni de l équipe Secu-Insight de CEIS. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

36 (a) (b) The Report (en francais): 11/186_ceis.pdf 2197/ Report from Pew Internet: Social Networking Sites and Our Lives (OSINFO) The findings presented here paint a rich and complex picture of the role that digital technology plays in people s social worlds. Wherever possible, we seek to disentangle whether people s varying social behaviors and attitudes are related to the different ways they use social networking sites, or to other relevant demographic characteristics, such as age, gender and social class. (a) (b) The report: %20Social%20networking%20sites%20and%20our%20lives.pdf 2198/ IAD's Latest Security Guide Helps Customers Protect Home Networks (NSA) The Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) at NSA recently released a new technical guide entitled, Best Practices for Securing a Home Network. This is one of many guidance documents IAD freely provides to customers outlining practical tips for improving the security of all kinds of applications, operating systems, routers, databases and more. IAD has been providing unclassified security guidance to customers for over ten years. This guidance could not be timelier in light of the increasing threats to U.S. government networks. (a) (b) f (c) Security-Tipps direkt vom US-Geheimdienst: Geheimdienst_ html (d) Geheimdienst-Galerie_ html 2199/ Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments (gizmodo) Lulzsec and Anonymous have just declared full open war against all governments, banks and big corporations in the world. They are calling all hackers in the world to unite. Their objective is to fully expose all corruption and dark secrets: Salutations Lulz Lizards, ACIPSS-Newsletter /

37 As we're aware, the government and whitehat security terrorists across the world continue to dominate and control our Internet ocean. Sitting pretty on cargo bays full of corrupt booty, they think it's acceptable to condition and enslave all vessels in sight. Our Lulz Lizard battle fleet is now declaring immediate and unremitting war on the freedom-snatching moderators of Welcome to Operation Anti-Security (#AntiSec) - we encourage any vessel, large or small, to open fire on any government or agency that crosses their path. We fully endorse the flaunting of the word 'AntiSec' on any government website defacement or physical graffiti art. We encourage you to spread the word of AntiSec far and wide, for it will be remembered. To increase efforts, we are now teaming up with the Anonymous collective and all affiliated battleships. (a) (b) Hackers gain force from new media: feabdc0.html#axzz1Q5G4COg3 (c) Mehrere Hacker-Angriffe in kurzer Zeit: 23timesp-mehrere-hacker-angriffe-in-kurzer-zeit.html (d) Hacker-Gruppen verbünden sich gegen Regierungen: / Bonn: Neues 'Cyber-Abwehrzentrum' (rf) Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) eröffnete am Donnerstag das 'Nationale Cyber-Abwehrzentrum' (NCAZ) in Bonn. 'Mit dem heutigen Tag setzen wir unsere präventive IT-Sicherheitspolitik fort', sagte er bei seiner Eröffnungsrede. Das Zentrum, welches seine Arbeit bereits am 1. April aufgenommen hat, hebt die nach den Erfahrungen des Hitler-Faschismus verbotene, aber schleichend wieder eingeführte Zusammenarbeit von Geheimdiensten, Polizei und Armee auf eine neue Stufe. Der IT-Geheimdienst 'Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik' (BSI) kooperiert hier mit dem Inlandsgeheimdienst 'Verfassungsschutz', dem Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BKK), dem Bundeskriminalamt, der Bundespolizei, dem Zollkriminalamt, der Bundeswehr und dem Auslandsgeheimdienst BND / DoD Creates Lab Network for WMD Response (Fas) The Department of Defense has created a new DoD Laboratory Network (b) to coordinate existing programs on the assessment of and response to the use of weapons of mass destruction. The new Network is intended to provide timely, high-quality, actionable results for early detection, confirmation, response, and effective consequence management of acts of terrorism or warfare involving CBRN [chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear] agents; infectious disease outbreaks; and other all-hazards agent events requiring a DoD integrated incident response. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

38 The initiative was set forth in DoD Instruction , DoD Laboratory Network (DLN), June 10, (a) (b) SPYCRAFT 2202/ Spion-Kugelschreiber-HD-8GB (1280x960) Getarnte Spion-Kamera in einem Kugelschreiber. Ein sehr diskretes Modell, Ideal für eine optimale Überwachung. Dieses Produkt gehört zu den weltweit kleinsten Modellen der Spionage- Kameras. Es verfügt über einen DVR-Rekorder und einen Speicher von 8 GB. Für außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse in Audio und Video. Sehr einfach zu bedienen: Drücken um aufzunehmen und Drücken um die Aufnahme zu stoppen. Die Kugelschreiber Spion-kamera kann über einen USB-Anschluss auf Ihren PC oder mit dem mitgelieferten AC- Ladegerät aufgeladen werden. Die Mini Kugelschreiber Spion-Kamera ist sehr leicht zu installieren und zu bedienen. In ihrer getarnten Erscheinung ermöglicht es Ihnen diese Kugelschreiber Spion-Kamera in größter Diskretion zu filmen und das auch noch in sehr guter Bildqualität. - Der Spion-Kugelschreiber kann als USB-Stick genutzt werden - Bis zu 3 Stunden Videoaufzeichnung - Anschluss über USB, keine Treiber erforderlich Preis: 29,90 Euro INTEL HISTORY 2203/ Der Beginn eines Vernichtungskriegs ACIPSS-Newsletter /

39 (20min) Am 22. Juni 1941 überfielen mehr als drei Millionen deutsche Soldaten die Sowjetunion. In den folgenden knapp vier Jahren tobte der wohl grausamste Krieg der Menschheitsgeschichte. An jenem Sonntagmorgen legte sich der sowjetische Diktator Stalin gegen zwei Uhr schlafen, nachdem er sich noch einige Gläschen Wodka genehmigt hatte. Doch nicht einmal drei Stunden später wurde er von einem Anruf geweckt; am Apparat war Georgi Schukow, der Generalstabschef der Roten Armee. Dieser berichtete seinem Vorgesetzten, dass drei riesige deutsche Armeen im Baltikum, an der Westgrenze und am Schwarzen Meer angegriffen hätten. Nach einer kurzen Schockstarre berief Stalin eine Krisensitzung im Kreml ein. Erstaunlicherweise war der sowjetische Despot bis zuletzt überzeugt, dass sein Diktatorenkollege Hitler den Überfall nicht wagen würde, obwohl seit 1940 vieles darauf hindeutete: Im Reichsluftfahrtministerium in Berlin saß ein sowjetischer Spion mit dem Decknamen «Hauptfeldwebel», der schon monatelang warnende Informationen nach Moskau gekabelt und am 11. Juni sogar Details des deutschen Angriffsplans übermittelt hatte. Ähnliche Hinweise waren von Richard Sorge gekommen, einem deutschen Kommunisten in Tokio, dem die dortige deutsche Botschaft leichtfertig Material überließ. Doch Stalin glaubte, es handle sich um Provokationen, hinter denen die Briten steckten / Die unerzählten Geschichten (jungle-world) Franz Brzhezytsky gilt als der letzte Überlebende des KZ Majdanek. Christoph Villinger hat ihn in einem Dorf in der Ukraine getroffen. So viele Fotos hat zuletzt der sowjetische Geheimdienst von mir gemacht«, lacht Franz Brzhezytsky, während er vor den Kameras einer Gruppe deutscher Journalisten posiert. Er ist sichtlich erfreut, dass sich jemand für seine Lebensgeschichte interessiert. Geduldig hat der 86jährige den Deutschen seine Biografie erzählt. Der in der Kleinstadt Zhytomir etwa 180 Kilometer westlich der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew lebende Mann gilt als der letzte Überlebende des deutschen KZ Majdanek. Dorthin verschleppten ihn die Nazis 1942 als Zwangsarbeiter. Später schickten die Sowjets den angelernten Bäcker und Bauarbeiter wegen einer politisch nicht genehmen Bemerkung zu den Morden an polnischen Offizieren in Katyn für fünf Jahre nach Sibirien in den Gulag / Hitler wurde von Stalin und im Westen unterschätzt (sz) Am 22. Juni 1941 überfiel Hitler die Sowjetunion. Der russische Historiker Sergej Kudrjaschow analysiert, warum die Wehrmacht bis vor Moskau kam. Der russische Historiker Sergej Kudrjaschow ist Experte für den Zweiten Weltkrieg, der in Russland Großer Vaterländischer Krieg heißt. Seit 1993 ACIPSS-Newsletter /

40 veröffentlicht Kudrjaschow Dokumente aus russischen Geheimarchiven in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden. Der Historiker ist Mitarbeiter des seit fünf Jahren in Moskau ansässigen Deutschen Historischen Instituts, das vom deutschen Forschungsministerium finanziert wird. Am 22. Juni 1941 überfiel die Wehrmacht die Sowjetunion. Warum hatte Stalin alle Warnungen seiner Geheimdienstler in den Wind geschlagen? Stalin sah sich als Marxist und Theoretiker und war der Meinung, er könne die weitere Entwicklung logisch voraussehen, wie ein Schachspieler. Er verstand, dass Hitler und die Faschisten seine Opponenten waren, obwohl er von Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit mit dem nazistischen Deutschland sprach. Im engeren Kreis sprach Stalin davon, dass es einen Krieg geben wird. Gibt es darüber Dokumente? Es gibt die Memoiren von Mikojan und dem Heerführer Georgi Schukow. Stalin dachte, dass der Krieg 1942/43 beginnt und die Rote Armee bis dahin gut vorbereitet ist. Trotzdem erstaunt, dass Stalin alle Warnungen in den Wind schlug. Es gab mehrere Ereignisse, die Stalin völlig desorientierten. Er bekam Informationen vom sowjetischen Geheimdienst und von der Komintern, dass die Deutschen einen Krieg vorbereiten. Sogar sein Opponent Churchill warnte ihn, weil die Deutschen ihre Truppen im besetzten Polen konzentrierten. Doch der deutsche Geheimdienst ließ über seine Diplomaten das Gerücht verbreiten, in Polen würden die deutschen Truppen auf einen Angriff gegen England gesammelt. HOT DOCS ONLINE 2206/ Stormy Weather, and More from CRS (FAS) The Congressional Research Service is prohibited by congressional secrecy policy from making its reports directly available to the public. These new CRS reports on various topics of current interest were obtained by Secrecy News. (a) (b) Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes in the United States, May 26, (c) Defense: FY2012 Budget Request, Authorization and Appropriations, June 15, 2011: (d) FBI Directorship: History and Congressional Action, June 7, (e) Presidential Authority to Impose Requirements on Federal Contractors, June 14, (f) Funding Emergency Communications: Technology and Policy Considerations, June 14, ACIPSS-Newsletter /

41 (g) The Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI): Budget Authority and Request, FY2008-FY2012, June 1, (h) Legislative History Research: A Basic Guide, June 15, (i) Mongolia: Issues for Congress, June 14, (j) Application of Religious Law in U.S. Courts: Selected Legal Issues, May 18, / Govt Opposes Attorneys Free Use of WikiLeaks Documents (FAS) The government yesterday filed a formal response (b) in federal court in opposition to the public use of WikiLeaks documents by a habeas attorney who represents a client in U.S. military detention at Guantanamo Bay. Those documents are or may be classified, the government insisted, and must continue to be treated as such. In an April 27 motion (c), attorney David Remes had asked the Court to authorize 'full and unfettered access' to WikiLeaks documents pertaining to his client, and to affirm that he 'may publicly view, download, print, copy, disseminate, and discuss the documents and their contents, without fear of any sanctions.' 'Any member of the general public can view these files, download them, print them, circulate them, and comment on them,' Mr. Remes wrote. 'Undersigned counsel, however, fears that he will face potential sanctions, legal or otherwise, if he does exactly the same things without express government permission.' (a) (b) (c) LITERATURE 2208/ Richard Wagner: Belüge mich ACIPSS-Newsletter /

42 (dradio) In Richard Wagners jüngstem Roman 'Belüge mich' geht es um eine Welt des Scheins. Wagner verließ 1987 zusammen mit Herta Müller Rumänien. Die Bespitzelungen und Drangsalierungen haben auch in diesem Buch ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Der jüngste Roman von Richard Wagner behandelt ein altes Thema: die Securitate in Rumänien und all ihre krakenartigen Verflechtungen. Richard Wagner verließ 1987 zusammen mit Herta Müller das Land, als verfolgte Banater Schwaben haben sie einschlägige Erfahrungen machen müssen, die bis in die jüngste Vergangenheit reichen. Der unfreie Geist, die permanenten Bespitzelungen und Drangsalierungen haben auch im neuen Roman von Richard Wagner ihre Spuren hinterlassen: 'Das spielte natürlich eine Rolle. Vor drei Jahren habe ich meine eigenen Akten gelesen und danach habe ich auch andere Akten gelesen. Und irgendwann war mir das Ganze etwas unheimlich, was ich da gelesen habe. Besonders was diese Verstrickungen im Roman betrifft, der einzelnen Personen, das sind so Sachen, die mit den Erfahrungen aus den Akten zu tun haben, das stimmt.' Die Geheimdienst-Verwicklungen beginnen in Wagners Roman in den 30er-Jahren und reichen bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart. (a) Richard Wagner: Belüge mich. Aufbau Verlag ISBN-10: ISBN-13: ,95 Euro (c) (d) Wagner/dp/ / Interview with Reza Kahlili - A Time To Betray Craig Biddle: I m honored to be joined today by Reza Kahlili, author of A Time to Betray, a book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran s Revolutionary Guards. The book is the winner of both best new nonfiction and autobiography/memoirs in the 2011 International Book Awards sponsored by JPX Media Group. Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym used for security reasons. Thank you for joining me, Reza. Reza Kahlili: Thank you so much for having me. CB: Let s begin with a little background on you. As I understand it, after the Iranian revolution of 1979 you became an officer in Iran s Revolutionary Guards and a spy for the CIA. What exactly is the Revolutionary Guards and what can you tell us about your involvement with them and with the CIA? RK: The Revolutionary Guards were initially organized following the 1979 revolution that ousted the shah. They were charged with protecting the country and the new government, including the clerics, who did not trust ACIPSS-Newsletter /

43 the regular Iranian army and believed the majority were supporters of the shah. (a) Reza Kahlili: A Time to Betray: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. Threshold Editions ISBN-10: ISBN-13: (b) (c) Interview mit einem Spion: / Tiger Trap: America s Secret Spy War with China (fas) n his new book Tiger Trap, veteran intelligence author David Wise turns his attention to the history of Chinese espionage against the United States and the sometimes clumsy, selfdefeating U.S. response. While the subject matter often lends itself to exaggeration or anti-china animus, Mr. Wise generally evades these hazards and sticks close to the facts. And though at least the outlines of individual episodes described in the book have previously been reported, the author fills in numerous gaps in the public record, including some previously classified details. The book presents Chinese espionage successes and failures, some brilliant U.S. counterintelligence strokes and some egregious failures, some suspects who were falsely accused and others who got away nearly unscathed. It all adds up to a lively and surprisingly cohesive narrative, especially since many of the individual stories overlap with one or more of the others. Chinese spy cases have tendrils that often seem to reach out and become entangled in other cases, Mr. Wise writes. (a) David Wise: Tiger Trap. America's Secret Spy War with China. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN-10: , ISBN-13: (b) (c) CONFERENCES / LECTURES 2211/ The Spies Among Us: The Secret World of Espionage Illegals Raleigh Spy Conference The Spies Among Us: The Secret World of Espionage Illegals ACIPSS-Newsletter /

44 August 24-26, 2011 Museum of History, Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, USA SCHEDULE: Wednesday August 24 5:30-7:00 PM Early Registration Reception and social time with speakers and special guests.( Venue to be announced). Thursday August 25 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Final registration at NC Museum of History. 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Opening address by Michael Sulick, former Director of CIA s National Clandestine Service entitled Illegals: An Historic Perspective. 10:30-11:45 British intelligence expert and author Nigel West on Glimpses of Soviet Illegal Networks During the Cold War. LUNCH BREAK 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM Dan Mulvenna, retired intelligence, officer Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Russian Intelligence Services Illegals In Canada: Pipeline To The US, UK and Europe. 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Brian Kelley, former CIA officer, lecturer and close advisor to the Raleigh Spy Conference, on The Spies Next Door. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM SPY GALA. This annual drinks party provides attendees the opportunity to meet socially with speakers and special guests. Location to be announced. Friday August 26 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Author s Roundtable, featuring Douglas Waller, author of the recent book Wild Bill Donavan about the founder of the World War 11 Office of Strategic Services, the precursor of the CIA; David Wise, known as the dean of spy writers and author of the new book Tiger Trap: America s Secret Spy War With China; Kent Clizbe, former CIA officer and author of the upcoming Willing Accomplices about the effect of Soviet covert influence on US and Western institutions; and representatives of the CIA s Historic Publications Division who will provide conference attendees booklets containing recently declassified documents concerning key Cold War events, including the Korean War, the Warsaw Pact and Air America. 11:00 AM Keynote Address by General Michael Hayden entitled Killing Usama Bin Laden: Building A Bridge Pebble By Pebble. General Hayden is the only person to serve as director of the National Security Agency (1999 to 2005) and director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2006 to 2009). General Hayden, who stood at the nerve center of the war on terrorism, will provide background information on the Bin Laden operation as well as details and insights on intelligence operations to combat terrorism. The audience will be invited to ask questions. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

45 NOTES: The Raleigh Spy Conference is known nationally for providing the general public direct access to intelligence officers, operatives and scholars in an informal atmosphere. Attendees have the opportunity to speak with and mix socially with conference speakers during the event. Books by speakers and members of the Author s Roundtable are available in the lobby area where tables are set aside for author signing. The Historic Publications Division of the CIA is providing special booklets on important Cold War events free to attendees. Attendees can arrive for Wednesday s Early Registration and reception or the following morning to register in time for the first session at 9:00 AM. For dining, sightseeing and entertainment in Raleigh s revitalized downtown district, go to or For questions please or call Raleigh Metro Magazine at (a) (b) / Inside 911 Konferenz zum 10. Jahrestag Zum 10. Jahrestag der Anschläge in New York und Washington wird COMPACT-Magazin eine Konferenz mit einigen der bestinformierten Kritiker der offiziellen Version veranstalten. Die Konferenz findet am Samstag, 10. September 2011, in Leipzig statt: In den Messehallen des Globana Trade Centers, von 10 bis 18 Uhr. Als Redner haben bereits zugesagt: Oliver Janich: Referierte für FOCUS MONEY ausführlich die Widersprüche der Regierungsversion zu 9/11. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Institute for Policy Research & Development (London), Autor von u.a. The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism. Alexander Benesch: Chef von, präsentiert seit Jahren Material zum Thema. Paul Schreyer: Autor des Buches Inside 9/11. Neue Fakten und Hintergründe zehn Jahre danach (ab Juni 2011 in der COMPACT-Buchreihe). Jan Gaspard: Autor der Hörbuch-Kultserie Offenbarung 23. Letzte Buchveröffentlichung Freimaurer und Illuminaten. Jürgen Elsässer: Chefredakteur von COMPACT-Magazin. Im Sommer erscheint: Die Schattenregierung. Von 9/11 zu Obama. Die Konferenz wird abgeschlossen durch ein großes Podiumsgespräch der Referenten mit dem Arbeitstitel: Welche Struktur hat 9/11 gemacht und was macht diese Struktur heute? Eine rechtzeitige Anmeldung zur Konferenz wird unbedingt empfohlen. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

46 Die Tickets werden für COMPACT-Abonnenten stark verbilligt sein. Für Studenten etc. gibt es sogar Gratistickets. (a) (b) Anmeldung unter: / Baltic Military History Workshop October 2011 The Baltic Defence College in Tartu, Estonia will host a two-day workshop on Baltic Region military history on October We invite academics, graduate students and military personnel from the Baltic Region to propose papers and panels on subjects dealing with Baltic military history from ancient times to current conflicts. If you wish to propose a paper or panel please contact Dr. James Corum at by 1 September 2011 and provide a short CV and a short abstract of proposed paper topic. If you wish to attend and participate, please contact Dr. Corum by 1 October / Call for Papers: World War Two in the Baltic Region The Estonian National Defence College and the Baltic Defence College are happy to call for papers for an international conference World War Two in the Baltic region. The organisers wish to bring together historians working on various aspects of the Baltic history in the late 1930s and the 1940s. The organisers wish to re-examine the Second World War in the Baltics by covering the issues of grand strategy and diplomacy, politics and social issues, as well as military affairs. Deadline for Abstracts: (500 words, in English) should be submitted along with an academic CV by 15 September 2011 to the organizers via Organisers: Kaarel Piirimäe PhD, James S. Corum PhD / Etats généraux de l Intelligence économique à l Ecole Militaire (OSINFO) La Fondation Prometheus présidée par Bernard Carayon et l Ecole de Guerre Economique dirigée par Christian Harbulot organise le 29 juin 2011 de 17h à 20h30, les premiers Etats généraux de l intelligence économique. Les Etats généraux seront consacrés aux nouvelles formes de confrontations économiques, au renouveau des politiques industrielles ainsi qu aux métiers et à la politique publique française d intelligence économique. ACIPSS-Newsletter /

47 Les états généraux seront l occasion du lancement de l Institut International d Intelligence Economique et Stratégique (Institut de l IE) destiné à rassembler les acteurs publics et privés concernés par les problématiques d intelligence économique. Ils seront conclus par M. Claude Guéant, ministre de l Intérieur, de l'outre-mer, des Collectivités territoriales et de l'immigration. Vous pouvez télécharger la plaquette descriptive de cet évènement majeur et vous inscrire. Pour plus d'information : (a) (b) MEDIA ALERTS 2216/ Anton Corbijn to direct le Carre thriller (reuters) U2 photographer turned director Anton Corbijn is bringing John le Carre's political thriller 'A Most Wanted Man' to the big screen. Corbijn, whose last film was the George Clooney vehicle 'The American,' will shoot the bulk of 'A Most Wanted Man' in Hamburg, beginning in winter. The script is being written byaustralian scribe Andrew Bovell ('Edge of Darkness'). The book, published in 2008, tells the story of the Chechen Muslim Issa who sneaks into Hamburg, where he gets caught up in the international war on terror. (a) (b) Le Carré-Thriller «Marionetten» wird verfilmt: / Play By Day: Staffel 5 der Serie Burn Notice startet bei USA (serienjunkies) Die fünfte Staffel der Spionage- Dramedy Burn Notice startet am Donnerstag in den USA. Die Ereignisse des letzten Staffelfinals bringen einige Änderungen mit sich, mit denen Michael, Fiona und Sam umgehen müssen. Eigentlich beginnt Staffel fünf der Serie Burn Notice mit einem erfreulichen Ereignis für Michael Westen (Jeffrey Donovan): Er konnte die CIA davon überzeugen, dass die Burn Notice gegen ihn auf gefälschten Informationen beruhte und wird in Gnade wieder aufgenommen. Doch schnell ACIPSS-Newsletter /

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preliminary note Every letter is something special and unique. It's difficult to give strict rules how to write a letter. Nevertheless, there are guidelines how to start and finish a letter. Like in English


Support Technologies based on Bi-Modal Network Analysis. H. Ulrich Hoppe. Virtuelles Arbeiten und Lernen in projektartigen Netzwerken

Support Technologies based on Bi-Modal Network Analysis H. Agenda 1. Network analysis short introduction 2. Supporting the development of virtual organizations 3. Supporting the development of compentences


Extract of the Annotations used for Econ 5080 at the University of Utah, with study questions, akmk.pdf.

1 The zip archives available at ~ ehrbar/ or http: // compiled August 26, 2010 have the following content. (they differ in their


DOWNLOAD. Englisch in Bewegung. Spiele für den Englischunterricht. Britta Buschmann. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel:

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Want to have more impressions on our daily activities? Just visit our facebook homepage:

Dear parents, globegarden friends and interested readers, We are glad to share our activities from last month and wish you lots of fun while looking at all we have been doing! Your team from globegarden


job and career at CeBIT 2015

1. Überschrift 1.1 Überschrift 1.1.1 Überschrift job and career at CeBIT 2015 Marketing Toolkit DE / EN 1 Inhalte Smart Careers in DIGITAL BUSINESS 1 Logo Seite 3 2 Signatur Seite 4 3 Ankündigungstext


* Not - Established. postindustrial design. 28. 30.4.16 Basel (CH) Campus der Künste

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Rollen im Participant Portal

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Possible Solutions for Development of Multilevel Pension System in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Methods of research into dictionary use: online questionnaires Annette Klosa (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) 5. Arbeitstreffen Netzwerk Internetlexikografie, Leiden, 25./26. März 2013 Content


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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Total Security Intelligence. Die nächste Generation von Log Management and SIEM. Markus Auer Sales Director Q1 Labs.

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The poetry of school.

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a lot of, much und many

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Labour law and Consumer protection principles usage in non-state pension system

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job and career at IAA Pkw 2015

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job and career for women 2015

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2 German sentence: write your English translation before looking at p. 3

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Aber genau deshalb möchte ich Ihre Aufmehrsamkeit darauf lenken und Sie dazu animieren, der Eventualität durch geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen zu begegnen.

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