Road Blaster Dat File
If you accidentally run Daphne before converting the.m2v file you will need to delete the.dat file and start again. Place all four. Road Blaster. Ffmpeg -i roadblaster.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 roadblaster.mpg. Ffmpeg -i roadblaster.mpg -vcodec copy -an roadblaster.m2v.
Need Help for Daphne: Badlands/Bega/Cobra/RoadBlaster
I have been able to get Daphne working for the most part. I am having issues however with a few stubborn titles:
Bega's Battle
Cobra Command
Road Blaster
Win Dat File
Has anyone been able to get these titles to work on their RetroPie using Daphne? If so, please let me know if there were any tricks you had to do so they worked. I've tried all of the basics: making sure file names are correct, folder name correct, all lower case, no spaces, DAT parsed, all files reference each other in the correct case.
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Mcafee Dat File
Thank you for your help.